Remove or block reviews

  • wd420
  • 01-07-2013, 08:18 PM
A provider friend is being threatened by her ex. If he finds her on eccie he'll file a custody suit.
Her phone number is listed in her reviews. He can google her number and it brings you right to eccie. So she can be tracked to a provider site.
Can the reviews be removed or blocked in some way?
Or at the very least, can her phone number be removed from the reviews?
Any advice?
Duke of G's Avatar
Depending on the number of reviews, we may be able to remove the number.

Fact is...that provider should be thinking about better security in the first place. Having a personal number that is connected to her reviews is not smart at all. She should have a separate number for her own safety. That's Hobby 101.

Also...she should be the one asking for assistance from the staff, when/if she asks the numbers to be removed. No offense, but , but as far as we know, you are just some guy who may be trying to hurt her business. There is no reason a third party should ever ask to modify a provider's account, posts, reviews, etc. Contact must come from the account holder, or it's an invalid request.
  • wd420
  • 01-07-2013, 10:52 PM
Duke she is not an eccie verified provider.
She has 5 reviews.
My post was for advice on what our options were, of which I would dicuss with her. I can provide her phone number and email address as shown on her reviews. You or another mod can contact her directly for confirmation of review modification.
She is well aware of what she did wrong and is suffering. I am only a good friend that is trying to help her out. Please advice.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
She does not need to be a member here to contact the staff.
It would probably be best for her to contact with any requests.
gman44's Avatar
I think I know who he's referring to and I have taken care of it
  • wd420
  • 01-11-2013, 07:53 PM
Thanks for your help gman.
She feels much safer and is grateful.