Auto Close Threads

Guido2010's Avatar
A general issue that keeps popping up on us in OK is more and more new people bumping old threads instead if starting new ones and referencing the old if necessary.

So is there a way to set an activity bot that would close all threads in a forum that are say 45 days with no activity. That way the mods wouldn't have to jump on, admonish the member and close the thread. Seems that would lessen their load.

If this has been discussed before forgive for bringing it up again. On my phone so hard to search.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Bumping old THREADS is usually permissible. Its bumping old REVIEWS is where the problem comes in.

#13 - In our review forums, be mindful of the 'maturity' of threads you are posting to, ie. the date of the last item posted. We ask that you refrain from posting to a review in which the last post was made 30 or more days ago. Some exceptions may apply if you are providing relevant, valuable or updated information about the provider, but as a general rule of thumb, this can best be accomplished by writing a new review altogether and avoiding the bumping of old ones. This applies to our review forums, in particular, as discussion threads are often allowed to flow for an unspecified length of time.
No one really wants to visit a forum and see that padlock symbol going down every thread.

Its pretty simple, we post the rules of the board, everyone agreed to follow the rules as a member here, and when they don't, that's where a mod steps in to correct the situation. For reference, the link to the Forum Guidelines
Guido2010's Avatar
Oh I agree the it should be that simple. It just seems that every new member that is excited to be on the site and is reading a bunch will ultimately bump some old threads. It is not just in Review Threads where I have seen the members admonished and threads closed.

Just was thinking that if a forum is significantly busy where there are multiple pages of threads in a month that auto-closing on those forums would make some sense and help out the mods from monitoring that infraction. Why monitor something that can be automated?

Auto-close probably would not make sense in a forum that only gets 5-10 new threads a month.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-13-2013, 05:37 PM
There is no way to automate the process for determining if a bump to an old review thread is acceptable or not. If the post brings some significant change to the information already posted, then it would be allowed. That kind of evaluation requires a Mod.
Guido2010's Avatar
There is no way to automate the process for determining if a bump to an old review thread is acceptable or not. If the post brings some significant change to the information already posted, then it would be allowed. That kind of evaluation requires a Mod. Originally Posted by Mokoa

It wasn't about evaluating if the bump was justified. It was about automating the closing of threads that are 45 days with no activity. I get it that you may not want to do this automated. Just thought it was something that should be considered on forums with high volume.

Not a Problem.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-13-2013, 09:11 PM
You apparently missed my point.

Which was...

There is no way to implement what you are suggesting because there is no way to automate the evaluation process the Staff uses when determining if a bump to an old review thread is allowable. It is not just based on a set period of inactivity. There are other things to consider which I have already pointed out above.

Yes, it would be nice if the system could do all of that for us but the reality is it cannot.
Guido2010's Avatar
No, I understood your point.

My point was why expend your time as a mod to evaluate if it is justified or not. The thread will be closed it will not be able to be bumped. So no need to justify, no need for mods to mess with it. If they want to make comment on that thread's topic by starting another, as it is suggested they do, then that is the only option and they can reference back to that previous thread.

Now that I understand you don't want anything automated, and want people to be able to bump a thread if there is relevant information to add to the conversation, my suggestion is moot.
gman44's Avatar
auto-lock isn't available so what you could do in lieu of that is hit rtm and the mods will take it from there
Chica Chaser's Avatar
My point was why expend your time as a mod to evaluate if it is justified or not. Originally Posted by gtkp1963
We prefer to think of it as job security
These mods gotta earn their paycheck somehow.
Guido2010's Avatar
We prefer to think of it as job security Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
These mods gotta earn their paycheck somehow. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996
LOL... Just thought it would be a programming request that should be considered some day...

Thanks for taking the time to respond.