The Theme: Spending your way to economic prosperity.

If the American public buys his bullshit, then they deserve the consequences !

The only good thing Obama said was his repeated pleas for a vote....

Yes. Let the Democrats vote on Obama's spending, budget, gun control, and all the unfavorable legislation the Democrats stand for but most Americans don't.

Obama presides by secrecy and fiat, his policies are always aligned against the prevailing American sentiment.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How much did he say he was going to spend Whirlyturd? I didn't hear a Number. Only for debt reduction and revenue generation. But I guess you were reading between the lines... Which is hard to do for an illiterate dipshit.

I don't want to be the Teapuke who votes to close schools, ship jobs overseas and take social,security away from his mamma.

They need to do their fucking jobs. If they vote the proposals down, then at least action would have been taken.
We have heard him speak about debt reduction before; and what we get is more spending, more debt......

Fool me once.....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you're basically making shit up...
Nope......Obama's speech was more big government solutions....deal with it !
You should offer up proof that Obama will do otherwise.....but you won't.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How can you prove what will happen, idiot? However, you need to prove why his proposals to right the economy won't work, rather than just moaning and whining the ages old mantra of the miserable ... Tax and Spend.

He talked about how America can't continue to drift along between manufactured crises.

That was about as real as it gets.

You ought to quite manufacturing hate and fear out of everything you read and post. it's quite tedious and EXTREMELY Un-American.

I expect you to make an insulting remark in response. But I can't prove what you'll do anymore than I can prove what the President WILL do.

I know what the trend is...
Obama's speech was more big government, big spending, more debt solutions, more lies....


Yssup Rider's Avatar
From the department of redundancy department: you the newest Fox News darling, Ted Cruz, say what President Obama didn't say himself.

Cruz is an idiot, and a bigger panderer to the extreme right wing than Rick (say Hallelujah!) Perry.

The overwhelming reaction is the SOTU speech was one big Obama lie about cutting spending....and the Obama warning that he wants to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for his wasteful spending and entitlements.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Links please. Or is this just another trend you've identified?
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  • Seedy
  • 02-13-2013, 04:39 PM
Links please. Or is this just another trend you've identified? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Only time will tell sup, this prick with ears, is like the pied piper of Hamlin, it would be nice if we are wrong, but his track record indicates otherwise. I thought the other stimulus bills were for "shovel ready jobs" what happened there? And invest more in companies like solyndra, yea thats a real good idea also....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm reminded with every post how wrong you are, Seedy. You and all you silly English Knnnnnnigits! I unclog my nose at you!

How can you unclog your nose at anyone, when you constantly have your head up your ass, hahaha. You fucking putz.
I am following the AssUp model.........

Links please. Or is this just another trend you've identified? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider