The New Chat Setup...

So BEFORE, in the crazy, old, slow freezy chat, there was a handy dandy little "save" feature RIGHT on the screen, and when you saved, you could still save everything on the creen, PRIVATE PMs included, and scroll through them,

Is there a special trick for this in the new chat?
Because I was pretty blatantly threatened last night by a member (a well known pimp, at that) but couldnt get the box to scroll once I had it saved, so the threats couldn't be saved.

Geez, I hope this makes sense....
johnnybax's Avatar
Assuming you use Windows here are a coupe of links that will come in handy often.

Taking screen shots with Windows 7

Taking screen shots in Windows XP

If you have any problems getting the screen shot down send me a PM and I'll help you further.
robs4.1's Avatar
Maggie there is a icon at the top where you are able to see the chat history its by the sound icon etc. I believe that it only shows so much of the history but it is there.