Need help - Desktop Security 2010

woulda7x6help's Avatar
Got this Destop Security 2010 on my computer. Can anyone help or tell me how to get this shit off. I tried some free programs that was on the net but it did not work. Is there a program I can go buy at a store that will get this shit off ?
Try this link for info on removing that program....

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-01-2010, 08:15 PM
You may also try Revo Uninstaller. It is quite good at uninstalling programs and searching for, and getting rid of, left over stuff. It is freeware.

Revo Uninstaller
If the program you have is actually AntiVirus 2010, then it is a virus intended to get you buy a fix for it, but then they don't take if off your computer but try, instead, to keep getting you to pay over and over again. The latest version is particularly nasty and keeps several copies of itself on your computer, constantly changing the names of some of it's key files so it cannot be easily removed.

If that is what you have, best copy off anything important to a flash drive (if it will let you) and then erase your hard drive (full reformat) and reload everything. It's a lot of work, but it's the only safe way to get rid of AntiVirus 2010. If you need help, you can ping me, always glad to help out.