.inf file

I did not download a program to a CD. I downloaded it straight to my computer.

Is there a way to change that .inf to .ini and get the desired result?

Here's the commands on the .inf:


shell\configure\command=SETUP. EXE

shell\install\command=SETUP.EX E

Since it's not CD (autorun) can I not just delete autorun and insert the correct path? OPEN=c/....?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-05-2010, 10:47 AM
Since the program is already on your computer, install it by running the SETUP.EXE file. You do not have to use the Autorun. The purpose of the Autorun is to tell the computer what to do when it senses that the CD is loaded into the CD drive. It is what makes a program CD automatically start running when it is inserted into a drive.

To run the SETUP.EXE file...

  1. Click on the Start button in the task bar
  2. Click on Run
  3. Click on Browse
  4. Navigate to the folder where the SETUP.EXE file is located
  5. Click on the SETUP.EXE file once to highlight it
  6. Click on Open
  7. Click on OK
  8. The SETUP.EXE file should now start up
Good luck and let us know how it goes.
It's not that kind of file. It's a zip that I'm supposed to copy over to a CD and install from autorun (above). The inf unpacks the zip, runs the inf and launches the install.
Sensei's Avatar
.inf files can also be copied to usb drives instead of cds
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 09-06-2010, 09:26 PM
Did you manage to figure it out babee?
Yep. The answer was easy - buy some dang discs! Actually, I loaded it on my usb. But I still needed to buy discs.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-10-2010, 11:41 AM
I am glad to read that you have resolved your issue.