Waiting on the next tabloid TRASH threads. Trump 'at substantial risk' ...'AG claims she has evidence of fraud by Trump and family'. Please post just the facts and not speculation that's for sandbox..

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BRANDON and his party are destroying this country with their failed ideology and the left resorts to what might happen and how bad Trump and the Republicans are and other tabloid worthy shit...neither Trump nor the Republicans have any control over any of the disastrous state of the union. The left in for an ASS kicking come November and rightfully so.
Won't be long and another tabloid worthy thread about Trump and the terrible Republicans will post...deflection is ALL they have, pretty sorry position having to deflect because your party in a complete failure. Sucks to be them!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
I guess we can now call NPR a tabloid. How bad is it when a reporter writes a story about 3 Supreme Courts Justices and all 3 come out and and say, "that didn't happen" and the reporter "stands by her story" calling all 3 liars.

Now that's just fucking sad for what use to be called journalism.
That is where VM and YR get their talking points from!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I took "a class or two" in college. That was back in the days when it was preferable to be educated.

I'd venture to say that what passes for journalism today isn't anything close.

Of course, try to explain that to the illiterati who worship at the Shrine of Whine.

The BRANDON supporters are on a cruise to nowhere.

The Democrap party has no consistent message or platform.

Democraps have no one able to stand up to BRANDON, and are unable to get rid of him.

But they do have chants and slogans....'VOTING RIGHTS' American is in a crisis we must act now the COUNTRY depends on it.
Sinema needs her as kicked...fuck 'women's rights" she won't tow the party lines that's more important than 'women's rights!!
The democrapic chant...violence or compliance you do have a choice!!