How To

OK ladies a couple questions.
1. How is the best way to ask for a lingerie show, a little hard core lap dance and toy show finishing up with blow job and not having intercourse without creating any tensions.

2. How do you find the right lady that is into this and not cross the line when trying to set something up.

Thanks for the advice in advance.
dirty dog's Avatar
OK ladies a couple questions.
1. How is the best way to ask for a lingerie show, a little hard core lap dance and toy show finishing up with blow job and not having intercourse without creating any tensions.

2. How do you find the right lady that is into this and not cross the line when trying to set something up.

Thanks for the advice in advance. Originally Posted by Skulls1971
While I am not a lady, I would hazard to guess that the best way to ask is to ........... ASK. Seriously do you think this is going to offend her. Good grief.
KCQuestor's Avatar
The problem is that many women won't discuss specific requests on the phone, so you have to find a way to communicate with them using a safer channel. PMs here or on another site might work. Or just ask her how she prefers to chat about this:

"I have some specific requests that some people may not want to discuss on the phone. is there a better way to contact you?"
Thanks that was my major concern I did not want to scare the lady off.
As for the lingerie and lap dance, just ask.

As for anything else that would be considered illegal, do NOT attempt to ask no matter what. Any smart lady will NOT discuss that.

I would suggest finding a lady you're interested in and then reading the reviews about her to see if you'll be a good match.

Good luck.