Guys, avoid underage girls

erudite's Avatar
Check IDs.

It's important.

A friend was called today by police who said an underage girl was pimped out. Disgusting but true.

Be careful guys.
lil_michelle's Avatar
I think I am in love with

I posted something last night for you guys to be able to identify under aged and girls who are in this by force...thank you for posting this.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
legally, checking an ID is not a remedy for underage sex. by the way, my cat doesn't like Dewar's scotch. no idea why?
Does this shock anyone here that might be happening? Lil_michelle has been talking and working hard to see the signs. Yes WACO Kid checking ID will not totally stop kids being sold into prostitution, but damn you don't have to support it. It is a way to cut off at least your money from it unless you think it is OK.

I for one had a very disturbing experience about 15 years ago across the border in South Texas. It was called the RED ZONE. It was a compound owned by the Mexican Government and fenced in like a prison. The Mexican Army maned the gates in. Once inside there were like 10 to 15 night clubs. The only women were prostitutes working and paying the government. Most of the girls were between 12 and 20 years old. I'm sorry these kids were doing this to support their families and charging $20 to $40 a pop. It was the most despicable thing in my life.

Look if your over 18 and able to go to war and you join this profession of your own free will, I have nothing against it. I enjoy many of the ladies I know in the profession, they would tell you I have enjoyed it and support them. As for being managed of your own free will and accord, I have nothing against that as well. Some people need a boss others can work nicely on their own. It's your choice once your an adult. But being threaten, beaten and drugging underage women for this purpose is down right WRONG!

We want to complain about legal it's our right to hobby, BS if we would help clean up these type situations the LE would be helpful and appreciate what adults can do to help. Everyone knows prostitution will never be stopped but it can be cleaned up ang get rid of the nasty pimps.

You have my .02 on it, Hobby On Happily
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
. Yes WACO Kid checking ID will not totally stop kids being sold into prostitution, but damn you don't have to support it. Originally Posted by ruletwister
who said i supported it? i said - if you can read - that checking an ID is not a remedy for having underage sex, with a provider or anyone else. you can pick up a chick in bar, ask to see her ID which "claims" she's 18 or over and if she turns out to be underage yer busted for it. has nothing to do with supporting it.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I've got a lot of vices, but thank God that's not one of them.

A woman is not a woman to me unless she's 20-something, preferably closer to 30. That's the ticket...lean towards 30 and you can't go wrong.
As there are no specifics, this is not really an alert. Moving to Coed
lil_michelle's Avatar
Does this shock anyone here that might be happening? Lil_michelle has been talking and working hard to see the signs. Yes WACO Kid checking ID will not totally stop kids being sold into prostitution, but damn you don't have to support it. It is a way to cut off at least your money from it unless you think it is OK.

I for one had a very disturbing experience about 15 years ago across the border in South Texas. It was called the RED ZONE. It was a compound owned by the Mexican Government and fenced in like a prison. The Mexican Army maned the gates in. Once inside there were like 10 to 15 night clubs. The only women were prostitutes working and paying the government. Most of the girls were between 12 and 20 years old. I'm sorry these kids were doing this to support their families and charging $20 to $40 a pop. It was the most despicable thing in my life.

Look if your over 18 and able to go to war and you join this profession of your own free will, I have nothing against it. I enjoy many of the ladies I know in the profession, they would tell you I have enjoyed it and support them. As for being managed of your own free will and accord, I have nothing against that as well. Some people need a boss others can work nicely on their own. It's your choice once your an adult. But being threaten, beaten and drugging underage women for this purpose is down right WRONG!

We want to complain about legal it's our right to hobby, BS if we would help clean up these type situations the LE would be helpful and appreciate what adults can do to help. Everyone knows prostitution will never be stopped but it can be cleaned up ang get rid of the nasty pimps.

You have my .02 on it, Hobby On Happily Originally Posted by ruletwister

+ 15 bijillion
lil_michelle's Avatar
who said i supported it? i said - if you can read - that checking an ID is not a remedy for having underage sex, with a provider or anyone else. you can pick up a chick in bar, ask to see her ID which "claims" she's 18 or over and if she turns out to be underage yer busted for it. has nothing to do with supporting it. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I think the best way to approach it "when in doubt, any doubt......DON't"

I had so many fake ID's when I was younger its not even funny. So is no remedy at all. As for Ruletwister knowing how to read, he does. It's my fault he is all riled up, I have been forcing him to read my posts for two
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I think the best way to approach it "when in doubt, any doubt......DON't"

I had so many fake ID's when I was younger its not even funny. So is no remedy at all. As for Ruletwister knowing how to read, he does. It's my fault he is all riled up, I have been forcing him to read my posts for two Originally Posted by lil_michelle
I posted this somewhere else, but on another board, 18up, a young lady hit on me that lives 30 minutes from me. She admited she was only 16 but still wanted to hook up. Thankfullly money did not come in and could not afford the gas money so I put her off and I got to thinking, what if it is a fake ID

Then last week a guy was arrestted in that town for having sex with a 14yo
rachet3375's Avatar
Geez, Louise!!! This is one reason I ONLY have dalliances with ladies 30+. I don't want or need to have this kind of drama in my life.
We want to complain about legal it's our right to hobby, BS if we would help clean up these type situations the LE would be helpful and appreciate what adults can do to help. Everyone knows prostitution will never be stopped but it can be Originally Posted by ruletwister
This is AMERICA. I am surrprised at anyone that would book with a pimped out, underaged girl. How does this happen? Am I so niave>
You guys are smarter than this....yes?

Torre Tames
lil_michelle's Avatar
This is AMERICA. I am surrprised at anyone that would book with a pimped out, underaged girl. How does this happen? Am I so niave>
You guys are smarter than this....yes?

Torre Tames Originally Posted by Torre Tames

I wish you were right ... and I think most men here would agree with you but there are enough men out there that don't care and they are driving that business. When people stop buying.. people stop selling. I hope that maybe those who do care will help stop this.
Think about this:

If we were to eliminate:

1. Underage prostitution, in any form (coerced or 'free-will' with the understanding that a 16 year old really can't consent or have a 'free will.')

2. Pimps in general, and any coerced, forced sex slaves, etc.

3. Drugs usage and the prevalence of prostitution to pay for drug habits.

Would prostitution be looked down on? Would the laws against prostitution still be enforced? Would, for the most part, people really care?

At that point it might truly become a victimless crime, or as close to it as we can imagine. As long as the elements I describe above exist, there will be a large segment of society that points at those elements and demands the eradication of this industry. And they will get strong support.

True, as the recent Super Bowl hype on the sex trade and underage sex has blown over, the reality is that the actual problem is much less than the media and others tried to make us believe. But one underage girl, one woman forced into this career path, is one too many.

We (ECCIE as a board and each ECCIE member) are NOT the hobby police. But the small part we can play in eliminating these elements, protecting the victims, and pointing out where we see a problem, the better the hobby world (or at least Hobby DFW) will be.

Lil Michelle, obviously we have never met, but I think your motivation and your efforts should be applauded. To use some street language, it took a helluva a lot of balls (ok, ovaries) to come on a little ole whore board like this and try to make us better.

This will end this public sevice announcement. Please return to regular programming. My soapbox just collapsed from the weight of the world on my shoulders. (OK, maybe that was just my beer gut.)
lil_michelle's Avatar
Think about this:

If we were to eliminate:

1. Underage prostitution, in any form (coerced or 'free-will' with the understanding that a 16 year old really can't consent or have a 'free will.')

2. Pimps in general, and any coerced, forced sex slaves, etc.

3. Drugs usage and the prevalence of prostitution to pay for drug habits.

Would prostitution be looked down on? Would the laws against prostitution still be enforced? Would, for the most part, people really care?

At that point it might truly become a victimless crime, or as close to it as we can imagine. As long as the elements I describe above exist, there will be a large segment of society that points at those elements and demands the eradication of this industry. And they will get strong support.

True, as the recent Super Bowl hype on the sex trade and underage sex has blown over, the reality is that the actual problem is much less than the media and others tried to make us believe. But one underage girl, one woman forced into this career path, is one too many.

We (ECCIE as a board and each ECCIE member) are NOT the hobby police. But the small part we can play in eliminating these elements, protecting the victims, and pointing out where we see a problem, the better the hobby world (or at least Hobby DFW) will be.

Lil Michelle, obviously we have never met, but I think your motivation and your efforts should be applauded. To use some street language, it took a helluva a lot of balls (ok, ovaries) to come on a little ole whore board like this and try to make us better.

This will end this public sevice announcement. Please return to regular programming. My soapbox just collapsed from the weight of the world on my shoulders. (OK, maybe that was just my beer gut.) Originally Posted by tigercat

Tiger cat.. thank you but I really just did a little research and copy pasted I am no saint but I do believe there are some things worth fighting for.

What you said is exactly right ... the smartest thing we would do is help eliminate the exploitation of minors and those forced into this. (we also have to remember that there are boy victims too.) I admire your stance and hope that we can find many more like you. I might be naive but I do believe we can make a difference if we work together.

Thanks for your post