Clean up on Aisle 5 - AGAIN - to avert WW III

berryberry's Avatar
After the dementia addled fool Senile Biden tried to start World War III by saying "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power," Senile Biden says of Vladimir Putin.

The White House had to clean up his mess (and no we are not talking about Biden shitting himself yet again - that's a different mess cleanup) by issuing this statement

White House official explains what Biden actually tried to say: “The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.”
berryberry's Avatar
Watch Senile Biden dementia addled brain malfunctioning so bad he is trying to start WWIII
berryberry's Avatar
This is the second time in 24 hours that Biden almost started World War III. How many times does Senile Biden have to almost start World War III before the media is going to talk about his ailing mental health?

Multiple times on this trip the WH has clarified Biden’s remarks:
- US won’t use chemical weapons after Biden says US would respond to Russian chemical attack “in kind”
- US troops won’t go to Ukraine after telling 82nd airborne of what horror they’re “about to see”
- Now this
berryberry's Avatar
You know its REALLY BAD when a CNN political analyst / Wash Post Columnist is out saying:

Too late. We all heard Biden say: “For god’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” The world heard it. No way to unring that bell.

The White House’s contention is that he misspoke. If that’s true, that’s really bad. If he was being genuine but his own staff is undermining his message, that’s also really bad. Either way, total muddle at the worst time and place.

It's pretty telling how fast the White House shot out its "clarification" of Senile Biden's remarks. They know it was THAT BAD
berryberry's Avatar
“This man [Putin] cannot remain in power.”

Those were Senile Biden’s exact words.

A day after he told troops they would see with their own eyes how brave Ukrainians are “when they get there [Ukraine]”.

These statements are beyond provocative.

He’s either senile or insane.

Senile Biden's cognitive decline can lead to the destruction of our planet. Yesterday his speech could be understood as US soldiers going into Ukraine, today he says Putin can't remain in power which can be interpreted as regime change in Russia. Any of this can lead to nuclear war.
... Ya know what they say... "ELECTIONS have CONSEQUENCES!"

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
They sent Joey Bribes in to clean up Cumala’s disaster in Poland. Dumb and dumber.
berryberry's Avatar
This is how bad Senile Biden is - when you get this type of articled from the fucking Washington Post of all people

How Biden sparked a global uproar with nine ad-libbed words about Putin

"Biden’s line was not planned and came as a surprise to U.S. officials, according to a person familiar with the speech who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive situation.”
berryberry's Avatar
When the libtards lose the Atlantic. well . . .

berryberry's Avatar

Macron is criticizing Biden for calling Putin “a butcher”. The French president says it’s not constructive.

“I would not use that kind of language. If a ceasefire is to be brokered, we must not escalate — neither through words nor actions.”
... The French don't wanna pay $$$$ MORE for Russian energy.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... The French don't wanna pay $$$$ MORE for Russian energy.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
They also don't want to cause World War III. And they, unlike Senile Biden, would like to find a way for this conflict in Ukraine to soon end peacefully

The Senile Biden Admin's goal is not to mitigate conflict in Ukraine, but further inflame it. Rejecting ceasefire negotiations, dumping vast amounts weapons, engineering more NATO expansion, threatening to send troops, and now even threatening to depose Putin
berryberry's Avatar
The Senile Bastard doesn't even know what he said. His dementia doesn't even allow him to recall what happened in the past week

Senile Biden, in exchange with Peter Doocy just now, denies that his administration has had to walk back several comments he made during his Europe trip. Meanwhile we had

... Now I DON'T see it that-way.

WHO is Jake Sullivan to clarify anything?!

IF Putin threatened to use chemical weapons - and Biden
said "Do it and the US will answer in-kind." - GOOD FOR JOE!

Sometimes you need to threaten right back.
That's the best way to offset the threat.

Good for Biden - Trump mighta said the same thing.

Too many liberal wussys like Milley in the Military.
Where's PATTON when ya need him?

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
OMG - this is how bad his puppet masters don't trust the Senile Old Fool