Definition Of A.....

What Is the definition of a mommy tummy? How can you even label someone with a mommy tummy when they have no kids? I have a small tummy but it isn't a mommy tummy... It kinda hurts my feelings for someone to label it as such my stomach has no stretch marks nothing ugly on it and I get that horrible label ugh... Sorry I'm just in my feelings.. I've always had my little tummy since I was little...So I would like people's opinion?
Richard Fitzwell's Avatar
OK….OK….I need to see it in person to make a fair assessment.
Well then come see it because I can put money on it that's it no where near a mommy tummy...
I rather them say little soft around the middle than a mommy tummy
Fancyinheels's Avatar
You can't label someone for an experience they haven't had. However, some fellows don't differentiate between kids or no kids when describing a "mommy tummy." Wonder how they would feel about being told they have a "beer belly" when they don't drink beer?

Would be more polite, and probably accurate, just to say "a little tummy" or "a wee bit of belly" or not to bother mentioning it at all if the bulge isn't getting in the way of a beautiful experience.

Btw, a "mommy tummy" doesn't have to have stretch marks, and in any event ought to be a badge of honor. Mothers deserve medals for what they go through, not disrespect for minor "flaws" that are caused by men in the first place! (Ultimate planned parenthood: Become a lesbian.)
OldWoodCrafter's Avatar

I happen to find mommy tummies sexy reguardless if they were brought on by child bearing or not. They are usually indicitive of extra flesh elsewhere which I ALSO find very alluring. So do not take offense at it lass, view it no more of an observation than mentioning the color of your radiant eyes.

Truth be known, I wager most of the lads here have a "mommy tummy" or worse
I know but I've never have had kids nor have I ever been described as having a mommy tummy and it made me mad... When I have kids I will accept that title till then I'm offensive.... No disrespect towards moms.. But I do own up to the tittle of being little soft around the middle but I don't have a mommy tummy... RaWr...
OldWoodCrafter's Avatar
Better to be accused of being soft around the middle than soft between the me.
Lol your silly
cabletex7's Avatar
When I have kids I will accept that title till then I'm offensive.... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I wouldn't spend too much time lamenting such a remark, Dorothy. You are a lovely woman with great reviews. Heck, I'm a BBW and more than a wee bit past the "desired" waistline AND age of most providers, but I don't spend too much time worrying over it as it hasn't seemed to have made much of a difference. (And thank you, gentlemen.) I am what I am, and men like what they like. They will take everything - pics, posts, profiles, websites, reviews - into account, not just a random comment. Just continue to be YOU.

(Btw, just looked at your showcase. What frigging "mommy tummy?" Where? You are a curvaceous beauty. Whoever said that hasn't been around a lot of MILFS, evidently.)
I know fancy just having a comment Crisis I will be just fine just felt like venting for the moment... Lol
I like your softness...giggity giggity
Wakeup's Avatar
Those guys are wrong. They should call fat what it is, and a baby destroyed abdomen what it is. A mommy tummy can also be fat, but fat doesn't have to be a mommy tummy.
I like your softness...giggity giggity Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ignore the ramblings of the forest beast. He isn't paying our bills, but evidently other gentlemen are, so la de da de da la ha ha.... (Fancy goes happily skipping away.)