References by Providers?

  • Chulo
  • 10-16-2012, 01:04 PM
Alot of providers ask for recent referencs. How does a provider, one I have seen of course, do that?

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-16-2012, 02:32 PM
How a provider runs her business is exactly that, her business. I suggest that if you are unable or unwilling to provide the necessary references requested by a provider, move on to someone else.
Txsunman's Avatar
How a provider runs her business is exactly that, her business. I suggest that if you are unable or unwilling to provide the necessary references requested by a provider, move on to someone else. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Eloquently put but totally irrelevant to the man's question Mr. Mod.
Txsunman's Avatar
Alot of providers ask for recent referencs. How does a provider, one I have seen of course, do that?

Thanks Originally Posted by Chulo
You send the providers URL to the lady you want to see and then it is up to her whether she replies and verifies YOU or not. Click on your reference's web address copy and paste it in the message to the lady you want to see and hit send. PM me for help if you want. Open two tabs at once... the one w/the message and the one w/ the providers who verifys you. Keep all the ladies you have seen in your contacts list then it will be easy to copy and paste and switch between tabs to send your rerefences to other ladies.
And always have plans a,b,c and d...bc you can always be outbid at the last minute. There is no honor among thieves or whores. Am I rude or just telling it like it is??
Precious_b's Avatar
Don't know if you are being rude, that is for others to judge.

But i've been lucky in being able to keep the times I agree to. Might be a few minutes off the window but never been stood up (except by one Provider that I knew to do the Plan N with.)
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-17-2012, 02:02 AM
Eloquently put but totally irrelevant to the man's question Mr. Mod. Originally Posted by Txsunman
Read his question again...

Alot of providers ask for recent referencs. How does a provider, one I have seen of course, do that? Originally Posted by Chulo
What he is asking is how, or perhaps why, a provider whose has seen him before still ask him for recent references.

My answer to that question does apply.

You really need to look before you leap.