Length of reviews - "Rest Of Story"

albundy's Avatar
Do guys rather read short and to the point reviews or do guys rather more in depth reviews with a lot of details? When I'm done writing a review, I sometimes wonder if I made it too long and if anyone will bother reading it. Just curious as to which is better, shorter or longer?
Alfred_Wayne's Avatar
Personally, I prefer longer more detailed reviews. Those tend to be the reviews that help me figure out if I want to hire someone or not. But I do admit that sometimes on the longer ones I will also scan and not read.

I think I'll begin my reviews with a TLDR; section from here on out.

Just my two cents.
Sinclar's Avatar
I prefer the longer reviews. Give me a much better idea of more than just acronyms and a good feel for how an actual session may go.
skeeter's Avatar
I prefer a middle ground , too long and I get bored or tired of how many strokes ...
Too short and I won't read it at all.
There needs to be enough honest detail to give an accurate idea of what I can expect but I don't need every tiny hair pull ...
Just my .02 cents
gimme_that's Avatar
Ill take long and detailed over short and to the point anyday. Nothng worse than an overhyped provider who everyone says is great........but they never go into clinical detail about why she's so awesome.

Try to include enough so all or most common questons are answered. Snce I write overnght reviews.....t tend to give me a cushion to write longer reviews. I think for guys spending that type of tme with a lady, attenton to detail and beng descriptve defntely helps.

Good reviews also lend credbility with other reviewers as well.

That said though......Id write a short report if I Toftt and saw someone new who I wanted to pass on to everyone. But ddnt have time to revew.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Medium to long are best IMO. That said, I really like to see some paragraph/line breaks in those longer reviews... I have trouble reading super long oRagraphs.
Keep the review to the point with sentences, not just abbreviations, but keep in mind its not a damn romance novel. If the lady goes out of her way to do something special, make sure to note it.

Remember, the review is about the lady, not to boast about how good of a "Lover" the reviewer thinks he is....

wildwing's Avatar
When I do a detailed review it is because I had a great time. My review of mz luvly is an example. I have completely stopped writing no reviews as there is way too much drama. I have thought about writing short crappy reviews for not so good sessions so that readers will have a chance to read between the lines. On the other hand I have had providers really go beyond what was expected and ask me not to review them. As far as reading other reviews, I prefer those that describe the physical activity along with a little about the actual conversation. I still get nervous seeing someone new to me and I'd like to know a little about the TCB and getting me to relax. Seeing someone new and there are issues communicating would tend to get me a bit moody thus spoiling the event. Guess I am just a bit particular in how I am treated. If I am treated poorly I will definitely say something in the men's forum.
rogerdodger's Avatar
well i prefer detailed reviews. if the reviewer has some specific point of interest they really enjoyed or did not enjoy, i believe that is something to be explained. what i DON'T appreciate at ALL is the 'romance novel' attributes of the review ...

"we enjoyed a glass of wine"

" she looked deeply into my eyes"

"she told me i really got her off"

that stuff is not anything i personally want to hear. if someone had an excellent time with a lady, awesome. if you clicked, and i have have before a couple of times, say that and let it go. not everyone 'clicks' in this world of providers and that isn't what is going to get me to bite.

if someone is not advertising the 'stuff' accurately - looks, performance, skills, attitude - we all need to know about it whether you liked it or not. i pick some ladies strictly on looks with the appropriate activities. nothing is worse than someone saying 'she looks like her pics' then showing up to find someone 20+ pounds heavier (or lighter).
  • rfl
  • 12-15-2015, 11:46 AM
Just leave out the details about how good her juices taste...we get the point, you did DATY, I don't want to read erotica.
Wiley64's Avatar
I'm in agreement with Haya1300 & Rogerdodger. Save the Penthouse letters for the marketing department and give me a Cliff notes version with pertinent details to make an informed decision.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 12-16-2015, 10:56 AM
I usually don't even read the ROS. I just want to know that she's legit if not verified, the fee, and services offered. Usually when I read a ROS it's when a provider that I'm interested in got a no review.

In all fairness though wouldn't a review with the attributes that RogerDodger touched on constitute GFE?