Another election denier down the tubes.

rmg_35's Avatar
Another great win for democracy as another election denying asshole and tRump nominated candidate goes down the tubes in the Arizona governor's race.

I'm sure there will be lots of bitch, crying, and moaning from the far-right fraud claiming clowns.

So so so much well deserved lossing. Democracy was on the ballot and Democracy is winning. Again, another great day for democracy in the US.
eyecu2's Avatar
Kari can suck my dick....but glad she lost too!
Nearly every single trumpy douchebag cult, election denying maggot went down this year. It was fucking glorious. I'm proud of this country again.

The "red wave" was just a pink splash. But, by all means donald, announce your illegal 2024 Presidential bid tonight. Lol.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-15-2022, 10:33 AM
Yeah, but if the Rs win the house, which, is one seat away, your entire agenda derails doesn't it?

Really, that's the only victory that matters, no filibuster in the senate, all idiot legislation is still going to die there.

All I'm hoping for is the big shutdown, strangle the out of control government with money, defund the government and shut it down.

But, as an L, I don't think the R's have the balls.
Oh, Libertarians. Lol. Thoroughly convinced of your own independence while completely dependent on the system you want to see defunded. If you guys actually ever got what you wanted (hint: you won't), you'd be so sorry you ever wished for it.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-15-2022, 02:30 PM
Better to be seperate from what you dislike, than to admit you are just a partisan hack, which, is really what everyone on the left is.

No thinking person, could have ever voted for Fetterman, he is a liability, worse even than Casey, because there isn't proof that Casey is as stupid as he is.

Even he would have known enough to lie on stage when the Moderators are holding up your quote about what you formerly didn't support.

IF, it was an blue dog Democrat or a Manchin prior to this year I may have voted for them over Oz.

None of you will ever admit the opposite.

As for our wants, and what we want to see, I seriously doubt you have ever read the "Manifesto" of Libertarian beliefs, have you?

When I finally did I knew that I had already been a Libertarian my entire life.

I am both pro choice, and pro life, depending entirely on circumstances, continued to believe in "MY body My choice" during Covid, and, am pro legalization for being able to grow your plant of choice, and, rabidly pro gun, with as little restrictions as their should be on what you are allowed to put into your body.

Most of all, I am pro "Personal Responsibility", leave me alone, take care of your own problems, and don't expect to pay for your mistakes in life.

I guess things like personal responsibility is an anathema to the left, being responsible to get an ID, to get to the polls to vote, etc, etc.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-15-2022, 02:32 PM
Kari can suck my dick....but glad she lost too! Originally Posted by eyecu2
More chance of getting Hillary to do that, or Madeline Albright or some other female CHUD politican on the left.

Don't be horning in on our Conservative hotties.
A trump voter calling on the left to accept "personal responsibility". That's rich. Get your own house in order before casting aspersions at others. One thing trump has NEVER done in his life is accept personal responsibility.
  • Mplay
  • 11-15-2022, 05:50 PM
Totally agree. The economy is doing so well and the world is really stable under democrat control.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Totally agree. The economy is doing so well and the world is really stable under democrat control. Originally Posted by Mplay
Was that sarcasm, or do you live in a cave?