Reviews and descriptions from Shills.

I dont understand what some of these guys are seeing or remember seeing when writing a review. I have been dooped into seeing a few girls from positive reviews.

When I read a review and the guys clearly states she has a flat stomache and great tits. The first thing I think of is a flat stomache and great tits. I dont think that her belly is hanging over her panties and her tits are hanging down to her belly.

Guys I understand that we all have our opinions and differences of what a hot girl looks like but, shouldnt we all agree that a flat stomache is in fact a flat stomache where ribs are almost or kinda visible? Nice tits are perky and round and not cone shaped and droopy?

Maybe try this as a visual for a flat stomache. She is standing in a pair of panties in front of you and, you can see the whole waist band not just part of the sides or back of them. She is standing sideways profile and, her stomache is concave not convex.

Visual for nice breasts is quite simple her nipples are staring back at you and not looking at the floor.

Come on shills start giving more accurate descriptions and stop being SHILLS.

Maybe a few of my fellow hobbyists can ad pics for better visuals. I dont know how to upload a pic to this site.
Homie a few years back I opened a thread for "best stomach" or "cutest belly button"... Didn't lead to much really, it's very genetically predetermined anyway it seems!

But goddammit a very highly reviewed milf in her "forties" appeared about 63 to my dumb ass, so I feel ya holmes.

Be peace
jokacz's Avatar
NF, why don't you review these girls? Or at least bump the old review and call the shill out? Was the service bad as well? Or was the visual so bad it colored the experience?
they cant be accurate, everything can be seen and the wk's

dude its over

nothing left to do but

just run ruff shod and start being extremely obnoxious..
cravenmorehead's Avatar
I've had the same experience , usually from a review of the flavor of the month. Some guys think a girl might have a flat stomach because it's smaller than their own beer gut, other guys are just happy they got laid and will do a favorable review in return for preferential treatment from a sp, ( shill ) . Maybe we should institute a numbering system per below :

I'm sure she has a lovely taint
NF, why don't you review these girls? Or at least bump the old review and call the shill out? Was the service bad as well? Or was the visual so bad it colored the experience? Originally Posted by jokacz
No the experience wasnt bad, I always make do but, when I walk in the door and expect to see one body type then confronted witha body type 180degrees different I just get thrown for a loop and start looking in the closet and bathroom for the provider that was reviewed. I dont mind seeing girls of different shapes and sizes but they are on my terms and I am aware of it when walking in the door.

There is a provider here in the WNY area that calls herself an ex porn star and Hawaiin tropic bikini girl. I saw because of a few favorable reviews. They said she had great fantastic breasts flat stomache, great ass etc. Going against my better judgement I saw her and when she met me at the door I was thinking to myself WTF did these guy see that I am missing?? Like that Jack Black movie where he gets hypnotized (the name of it slips my memory) by Tony Robbins to see the inner beauty.

That is just one example and I already made that pubil in a previous thread.
Like that Jack Black movie where he gets hypnotized (the name of it slips my memory) by Tony Robbins to see the inner beauty. Originally Posted by naughtyfun
Shallow Hal.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-25-2012, 07:00 PM
There is a provider here in the WNY area that calls herself an ex porn star and Hawaiin tropic bikini girl. I saw because of a few favorable reviews. They said she had great fantastic breasts flat stomache, great ass etc. Going against my better judgement I saw her and when she met me at the door I was thinking to myself WTF did these guy see that I am missing?? Originally Posted by naughtyfun
I tried to warn ya. LOL I even took deserved points from a moderator for my attempts at warning you and others. LOL. Unfortunately she has her WK's as do all of the providers. WK's are lower than vomit as far as I am concerned. Too bad mods can't give out points to shill's and WK's for being asshats.
or turncoats
Perfect Gentleman's Avatar
I tried to warn ya. LOL I even took deserved points from a moderator for my attempts at warning you and others. LOL. Unfortunately she has her WK's as do all of the providers. WK's are lower than vomit as far as I am concerned. Too bad mods can't give out points to shill's and WK's for being asshats. Originally Posted by GP
I remember, you gave out some good info. in that thread.