Canada Brothel Legalization Endgame

The legal battle over the move to legalize brothels in Ontario has reached the Supreme Court of Canada, whose ruling would apply to the whole country.
sunfish's Avatar
thank you MR international
rooster's Avatar
One of the most interesting points from this article:

"The Ontario court’s previous decision will be stayed until the court hands down a judgment in the appeal and cross-appeal, the Supreme Court said."

The original decision by the lower court gave a stay of only one year. After that time (March 2013), these laws would automatically become null and void if the issue was not resolved legislatively. In other words, gridlock by the government would wipe them off of the books.

The Supreme Court now says that the old laws stay in place until they make their ruling. I don't know how long that typically takes. In the U.S., this is one of the few branches of government that moves fairly efficiently. But this could still take awhile.