Best Bar Big Easy

LarryLegend's Avatar
The last thread got me thinking! Ladies and Gents what do you consider the best bat in Nola? Give us a run down on said bar!
DallasRain's Avatar
Razoos rocks!

great music and a great crowd!

{I also like OZ....but I don't think many guys here would go there}
FIVman's Avatar
Dive: 3 legged dog
Upscale: Arnauds
Party: Razoo
FIVman's Avatar
Oz not familiar
DallasRain's Avatar
Oz is the best gay bar on Bourbon!
Dave the Rave's Avatar
Best Burger Bar. That bar over on esplanade.
Besy pickup bar. Overtime near the dome
Best classy bar. Red room
Best hangout. Harry's corner
Razoos was the best bar 12 years ago I have not been their since I had to be escorted off the roof with the shot girl ! LOL Do they still have the fire and Water sculpture out side?.. Man that was a fun time I still can not believe I did not go to jail that night LOL
Best bar... I'm not much of a drinker... but I've always had a good time at the Whirling Dervish... 1135 Decatur. It's closed down now... it will re-open soon I guess. It always does.

Best place to party in town? Depends on your scene... personally... Ampersands and Dragon's Den on a Sunday night. That's me in the go go outfit. haha
weebbadd's Avatar
Never heard of overtime? Where is that?

I like the Abby
bamacoach's Avatar
Last week when I was in town met Elvis at Coops Place on Decautur.
bamacoach's Avatar
Someone took our pic but as is the case they didn't send it to me!
Man we had a blast at The Dungeon in New Orleans a while back. Best dive bar would be Coops on Decatur (also really good food). Lucy's in the Warehouse District is always fun.

Overall would be Rick's though since you can drink AND watch sexy girls dancing nearly naked.