In 1991, Coretta King, who had taken over her husband’s ministry after he was assassinated, wrote a letter to Orrin Hatch in 1991, that was cosigned by many other black leaders that said:
We, the undersigned members of the Black Leadership Forum, write to urge you to postpone introduction of your employer sanctions repeal legislation until we have had an opportunity to report to you what we believe to be the devastating impact the repeal would have on the economic condition of un- and semi-skilled workers—a disproportionate number of whom are African-American and Hispanic; and until we have had the opportunity to propose to you and to our Hispanic brothers and sisters, what we believe could be a number of effective means of eliminating the discrimination occasioned by employer sanctions, without losing the protection sanctions provide for U.S. workers, especially minority workers.

America does not have a labor shortage. With roughly 7 million people unemployed, and double that number discouraged from seeking work, the removal of employer sanctions threatens to add additional U.S. workers to the rolls and drive down wages. Moreover, the repeal of employer sanctions will inevitably add to our social problems and place an unfair burden on the poor in the cities in which most new immigrants cluster—cities which are already suffering housing shortages and insufficient human needs services.
At the 1895 Atlanta Exposition gave an impassioned speech, pleading with businessmen to hire black Americans rather than using cheap immigrant labor.
Where's the link actually mentioning Martin Luther King?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Booker T. Washington? 1895? REALLY? REALLY????

OK, so what does this mean, Whir-LIE- turd?
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
The advocates for immigration are liberal bubbleheads and BIG BUSINESS. Big Business has utilized off-shoring production and immigration laws to destroy the bargaining power of unions. The timing was perfect: as soon as federal civil rights laws forced open the unions to African-Americans, the immigrants came and flooded the labor market. Most middle-class professionals thought it wouldn't affect them. The H-1B Visa is doing for the STEM worker what our open borders have done to the construction worker and the factory worker.

Remember if any policy is "Good for Free Enterprise" it damn sure ain't you that's going to benefit.
In 1991, Coretta King, who had taken over her husband’s ministry after he was assassinated, wrote a letter to Orrin Hatch in 1991, that was cosigned by many other black leaders that said:
We, the undersigned members of the Black Leadership Forum, write to urge you to postpone introduction of your employer sanctions repeal legislation until we have had an opportunity to report to you what we believe to be the devastating impact the repeal would have on the economic condition of un- and semi-skilled workers—a disproportionate number of whom are African-American and Hispanic; and until we have had the opportunity to propose to you and to our Hispanic brothers and sisters, what we believe could be a number of effective means of eliminating the discrimination occasioned by employer sanctions, without losing the protection sanctions provide for U.S. workers, especially minority workers.

America does not have a labor shortage. With roughly 7 million people unemployed, and double that number discouraged from seeking work, the removal of employer sanctions threatens to add additional U.S. workers to the rolls and drive down wages. Moreover, the repeal of employer sanctions will inevitably add to our social problems and place an unfair burden on the poor in the cities in which most new immigrants cluster—cities which are already suffering housing shortages and insufficient human needs services.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Thanks for documenting that as far back as this the republicans have sat on their asses and did nothing about immigration.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks for documenting that as far back as this the republicans have sat on their asses and did nothing about immigration. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Just when you thought he couldn't get any more stupid . . .
Just when you thought he couldn't get any more stupid . . . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fuck you idiot. Why don't you enlighten us on the advances they have in immigration reform. Other than Ronnie granting amnesty to a shit load of them..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, Whirlyturd's post is again falsely labeled and is, until proven otherwise, another deliberate lie.

MLK never came out against hiring immigrants, at least not as his wife channeled him after his death.. Otherwise, Whir-LIE-turd would have produced a link to that document rather than another blatant lie.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where's the link actually mentioning Martin Luther King? Originally Posted by bigtex

The father or the son?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Thanks for documenting that as far back as this the republicans have sat on their asses and did nothing about immigration. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
We already have a multitude of laws about illegally crossing the border (which is NOT immigration) but the White House is not enforcing them. Typical you would blame the wrong people EVA.
The father or the son? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you ask the same question every time that you drive through one of hundreds (if not thousands) of cities in America with a Martin Luther King (Drive, Ave, Street or Blvd)?

As for whether it was meant to be "the father or the son" you had better ask your favorite Cousin, TrendingIdiot.

Other than asking a single clarifying question about the actual intent of Trendy's misleading thread title, I had nothing to do with this mess.
We already have a multitude of laws about illegally crossing the border (which is NOT immigration) but the White House is not enforcing them. Typical you would blame the wrong people EVA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How about the two causing this shit storm

1 if illegal cross the boarder solely for having a baby who will become a citizen.
2 the one passed in your bushmaster area that causes us to care for them instead of just deporting them like a adult.SIZE]
Radical Mexican labor leader launched the ‘Illegals Campaign’ in 1974, it was in the context of strike breakers and easy availability of people who were brought across the border [by U.S. employers] to replace striking workers.”

Chavez’s cousin, Manuel, started what was known as the “wet line,” a series of tents along a 25-mile stretch of the U.S.-Mexican border along Arizona where some 300 members of what was then the United Farm Workers Union patrolled – to keep would-be border crossers out.

What Chavez understood is what liberals are ignoring now – illegal immigration drives down the wages of the common American worker. He even looked down at illegals because he saw that they didn’t really care about the country, they just wanted to take advantage of expanded economic opportunities. Try saying that out loud today without liberals coming out of the woodwork to scream, “racist!”
The UFW during Chávez's tenure was committed to restricting immigration. César Chávez and Dolores Huerta fought the Bracero Program that existed from 1942 to 1964. Their opposition stemmed from their belief that the program undermined US workers and exploited the migrant workers. Their efforts contributed to Congress ending the Bracero Program.

Chavez and his organization would routinely report immigrant workers with questionable histories to the INS.

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