Good Timing

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Let's say good timing is vital to any endeavor in life.

How do you get readjust it if it's out of time?

. . . How do you adjust a human timing chain?
Whats up with men and "timing?" Im serious. I think its a cop out for so many people. Or just an excuse for not taking a chance. Nothing in my life is based on timing, its all about fate and living for the moment.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

You really don't know?

It's a feeling of flowing.

. . . It's quite real!
cumalot's Avatar
Another Pop Quiz....No Pop Quiz's on days that end in Y.....that's the rules...ijs
Nope Fast gunn I dont get it. Maybe its a personality thing. Im more spontaneous. Live for today. If its meant to be it will be. I dont hold back due to timing, that would leave me feeling as if I may have missed out on something in life.
burkalini's Avatar
Turn right go the store and get the winning powerball ticket. Wait five minutes and get hit by a car. It's all timing.
LOL in that case it SUCKS!! Or is that just bad luck? How can you tell the 2 apart? this could get deep
burkalini's Avatar
How about I'm fucking you real good. I'm hitting the right spots. You feel the pressure building up and I feel you grab my ass am pull me in harder so I pull out and cum on your tits. That's bad timing. lol I keep going and increase the depth and I feel you spasming and gushing all over my cock. That's good timing.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Good timing is a very beneficial method to live life. I believe it be be learned by seeing when it is not there.

The thing is that you don't really notice so much as when you feel it's not working as it should.

Suppose you go to park in a parking lot, but some other driver beats you to the spot by about 5 seconds.

How do you feel then?

. . . If you had been only 6 seconds quicker you have gotten that spot!
cumalot's Avatar
Unless you can see in the future that is not logical..........
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Logic is fine, as far as it goes,

The problem is that logic simply does not go very far.

. . . There must a leap forward in order to make any real advances in life.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Look forward to tomorrow...............Life is to short not to have fun..............
I came out of 17 year long marriage and learned no matter how hard I planned, wished and wanted things to happen a certain way.......That there is nothing certain in life. Let go of that which you can not control and enjoy life..............
Fast Gunn's Avatar
As I see it, the sea of life travels in waves.

The problem is that these waves are invisible.

You have to feel them to discern them.

Sometimes, everything seems to go right and you hit all the green lights. Your timing is right.

Sometimes, you miss the waves and hit all the red lights. Your timing is off.

I think it all has to do with first establishing the right attitude.

. . . You need to get your head right and catch the next wave!

cumalot's Avatar
There is good luck and bad luck, there is no catch the right wave and have things turn out all shiny and new....what happens happens and it happens for no reason at all....people are dealt a hand and it's up to them to get things right, there ain't no catch the wave and everything is lined up with green lights....Hell if I could get my shit realigned that would be great as then I might have a smoother ride to my expiration date, no red lights telling me over and over no it's better you don't do that, no that might hurt you, no it's for your best interest, no, no, no.....Hell I could get everything done on my bucket list and have time to spare. Tell me how the hell do you get your head right and catch the next wave when the Grim Reaper is breathing down your neck and slappin your ass down at each wave?....Living for today with a plan for tomorrow is the only timing that there is as the rest is unpredictable.......ijs
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, I told you the waves are invisible, but so is gravity and it's just as real, nevertheless.

Some people refer to this phenomenon as synchronicity.

There is an fine art to living life, but few people have mastered it.

Most people struggle with life instead of flowing with it.

. . . Some fortunate few people seem to be in tune with life, but most others always seem to be bedeviled by problems. That is what I am talking about.