Dear Elisabeth,
I recently found myself with a lover just enjoying the most wonderful vanilla sex that I've had in a very long time. Trust me, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving woman! Smile.
While we were kissing and playing around, he gently was rubbing the side of my head and placed his hand under my chin. He was being masculine, that's all.
And then he slowly placed his one hand around my throat. And VERY gently squeezed. It wasn't choking but there was a pressure and I liked it.
Maybe too much. I felt completely submissive and was completely willing to offer him what might be the most delicate part of my body for him to touch and more. It was a moment in time.
And very lovely. You don't think that I was wrong to enjoy it so much, do you?
Love you,
There's no doubt that this is a very edgy and potentially dangerous activity when taken to a different level. And of course, to say the least, trust is paramount.
What are your thoughts about this activity and its variations?