Hillary's Emails

Firstly, what kind of world leader asks another terrorist nation for help on an internal affair?

Didn't Trump run on the promise of locking up Hillary for all her lost emails?

So if the great and mighty Trump said that she is going to get her locked up due to her lost emails.. ... well, what happened? Why is she still free? Why didn't the all-powerful GOP not do it? Why didn't Trump do it? He said he would!

... You're CORRECT on this one.

President Trump WAS going to investigate Hillary once He WON.

And then when He did - Trump surely decided to let not-onley
Hillary - but Bill also... Trump was also gonna look at
a few of OBama's misdeeds....

Though in the end - Trump surely decided to let them go.
He thought that continued investigations would just turn
America into "another banana republic"....

Do you reckon Trump regrets that NOW?

.... One thing's for certain - when Trump is re-elected,
you can wager He'll surely INVESTIGATE EVERYBODY!

... Fair is Fair ---- Right?

#### Salty
First of all, it's not trump's job to investigate anyone. Do his supporters even understand that part? Secondly, let the DOJ/FBI, etc investigate Biden, Hillary, Obama all they want. Let us know when they find anything, won't you?