judge orders confiscated $ back with interest

Lexxxy's Avatar
It's one of those things you hear about through word of mouth all the time but hardly in the news.
A girl got busted in Cleveland and fought it with her client lawyer and won back all of her money LE took from her.
Good for her!

I actually don't understand the legal basis of LE being able to confiscate anyone's money merely based on the "suspicion" of drug-related origin - but I also suspect that a lot of real drug money is not confiscated but simply "disappears" during a raid.

Her $1-million savings in 14 years of exotic dancing might sound incredible, but it entails having the earning power and the discipline to put aside on the average $200 per day - a challenging but not impossible feat.
now shell have to pay taxes on it!!
Plus IRS will probably whack her with penalties to boot.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Awesome though ...... 1 million bucks i'd fight like hell too.
Most strip clubs don't pay an hourly wage thus the girls aren't taking home a paycheck they are paid all in cash so you are considered an independent contractor, thus you would have to file a 1099 the same as like a waitress and you are supposed to claim your tips but! You get to write off heels outfits Mani/pedis self tanner and even plastic surgery I'm sure that would be an interesting trip to hr block