Barbara Walters: Kinky vs Normal

On the TV show "The View" today, Barbara Walters declared Anthony Weiner's sexting behavior "somewhat deviant", but she defended Eliot Spitzer's hobbying as "sort of in the realm of normalcy":

Who am I to disagree?
We need to invite Elliot Spitzer over to ECCIE.
We need to invite Elliot Spitzer over to ECCIE. Originally Posted by tucson
Perhaps he is already here.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 07-30-2013, 05:12 PM
He is here.


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He is here.
elliotspitzer2011 Originally Posted by Tiger
He is a changed man. He adds an extra "l" to his first name and no longer pursues $$$$$$$$$$ providers.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 07-30-2013, 06:14 PM
Times are tough - when you have to give up the high paying job (and perks).

Do you think he still gets free healthcare? (ooooo, that may have been a bad genie to let out of the bottle)
I always he should have kept his handle simpler, as "the governer". I am typing with my thumbs, so I can see if that handle is being used. LoL
Lexxxy's Avatar
You would be amazed who is on here and what athletes use their big head by using these sites instead of getting caught up in scandals with groupies.
The difference between kinky and erotic....
Erotic is when you use a feather.....
Kinky is when you use the whole fuckin duck............
Did anyone read her auto biography? It was a good read.

Reading insights on iran-contra was fascinating.

Concerning sexual stuff, she really is very open minded for a person her age.
paul you are a gem!!! lmao
Peter Sezso's Avatar
paul you are a gem!!! lmao Originally Posted by greatballsoffire43
Figures that you would find him funny.
No one else did though.
The difference between kinky and erotic....
Erotic is when you use a feather.....
Kinky is when you use the whole fuckin duck............ Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

that about covers it! hahahha
Lexxxy's Avatar
The difference between kinky and erotic....
Erotic is when you use a feather.....
Kinky is when you use the whole fuckin duck............ Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Figures that you would find him funny.
No one else did though. Originally Posted by Peter Sezso
Looks like a couple of the girls here have a better sense of humor than you.....