full decriminalization of all aspects of consensual sex work

  • D.G.
  • 09-06-2015, 06:39 AM
So Amnesty International wants the workd to mzke it legao and regulated .?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I fully believe that criminalizing a lady's choice to work as a prostitute is unconstitutional.
Where the focus of criminalization should be is on the pimps, managers, traffickers, and those that profit from the enslavement of others. I am not talking about agencies or brothels as long as the"fee" is reasonable. Of course once you do this, then it would certainly, in our twisted way of doing things, be regulated and taxed by our illustrious government of freedom and liberty.

Certainly the government would require registration of the sex worker and make that public knowledge to make sure we know exactly who they are as well as all of their family and friends. This creating the same issue of prostitution being forced into the same situation we have now and breeding "manager" to protect them from the government as well as the criminal element that would actually use an unregistered sex worker.

As with many things, most that cannot be discussed here, the best thing to do is to decriminalize and the government should not have anything to do with it other than to collect the income tax just as if they were a self employed individual. The government reaches way too far into our personal lives as it is. O f course there will be those that actually need to have the government tell that what they can and cannot do and to let them know what is safe and what is not safe. these are the ones that fuck it up for everybody else.
ICU 812's Avatar
What about trafficking? Will decriminalizing the Hobby also eliminate trafficking women for sex work? There may be unintended consequences here . . .
ICU 812's Avatar
And on the other hand:

I have been so disappointed in the Obama administration on this issue. We now have had years of the most liberal administration in the white house and courts system in the history of this nation . . .and not a peep on liberalizing the Hobby to the European standard.

Just very disappointed.

I don't think Hillary will do anything either, even given the issue of the so-called "War on Women" that comes up from time to time.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-08-2015, 11:51 AM
What about trafficking? Will decriminalizing the Hobby also eliminate trafficking women for sex work? There may be unintended consequences here . . . Originally Posted by ICU 812
Trafficking will be able issue just as it always has been. But I think there will be less of it as more ladies willingly enter the market.

And on the other hand:

I have been so disappointed in the Obama administration on this issue. We now have had years of the most liberal administration in the white house and courts system in the history of this nation . . .and not a peep on liberalizing the Hobby to the European standard.

Just very disappointed.

I don't think Hillary will do anything either, even given the issue of the so-called "War on Women" that comes up from time to time. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I wouldn't expect Obama to move much on the issue just as he hasn't on the **** **** issue. I can't say I would either as the first black president. Then the republican folks will have a field day with pimp and drug dealer comparisons. Hillary sucks and won't do shit I would hate to see her win.

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boardman's Avatar
There is no way in hell Obama is tackling this issue with any intent to decriminalize.

Can you imagine his image after doing that?

Here, let me help...

Hillary sucks... Originally Posted by Trey
Hillary does not...if she did would we know Monica?
Hillary does not...if she did would we know Monica? Originally Posted by TrueGentleman1
Canada decriminalized. The US was founded on a Puritan value system. We don't have politicians with enough backbone to take on the issue. But, with the move towards drug courts and reform of the justice system, maybe something might happen on this front.

Legalization won't stop trafficking, but it would allow the authorities to focus their attention on trafficking and not wasting their time trying to criminalize two independent, consenting adults for engaging in whatever activity they desire.