Tribute to the one that is H I M

winn dixie's Avatar
For six years dems have lied and investigated ever thing under the sun that is Trump. dems have weaponized the govt agencies to find any far fetched accusation against Trump family and friends. With Each one reassuring "weve got him"!
Nope aint ever got shit! For 6 years Trump has punked these fools and will continue to do so. Six years of continuous biased made up and erroneous factless cases and dems aint got shit. Time to give it up for the good of the Country! But the dems HATE has been on full diplay for all to see. Folks are sick of it. Mention big "T" around a dem and see them start drooling and having tourettes outbursts. Funny and sad to watch. In the end. The dems havent even been able to give the One that is H I M a freakin traffic ticket! Time for the left to move on!


Like watching monkeys slingin poo into the wind! Only to see it fly back in their own faces! lolling
This latest incarnation of Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Democrat idiocy is one of the best examples of combining political thuggery with a willing press to do or say anything that will immune and destroy an opponent.

In this case, as in the past 6 years, the opponent is up to the task.

Even enjoying it.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Russia-collusion investigation has been shone to be based on false information that was paid for and promoted by the Hillery Clinton campaign. Using that information, the FBI has been shown to have knowingly made false sworn statements to get a search warrent to investigate the Trump campaign. In defense of all that, fifty or so intelligence officials endorced the allegations as true . . .and have since been shown to have lied about the truth of it.

So why would we now have any faith or trust in the FBI regarding the legality or validity of the sworn statements justifying the the current Trump investigation? Particularly after the Clinton e-mails and server fiasco that has been left hanging forever. Particularly after the Hunter Biden laptop investigation has been left hanging forever.
... I would surely say it's grasping at straws -
but THAT would insult both straws and grasping.

... It's a sad attempt to remain in power as people
see the writing that's on the wall.

Electric cars? ... For the sake of climate change and global warming??
LESS carbon emissions? ... End of fossil fuels??

President Trump laughs at all of this foolishness.
He knows better - as we intelligent people do - that the
climate tomfoolery is merely a get-rich-quick scheme for the Democrat
leaders and co-conspiritours.

... Trump laughs at the Dems "importing" future voters - with their
"open borders" and "amnesty for all" plans.

Higher Taxes - what a joke! ... The list goes on and on. ...

... President Trump is the Best thing for America.
And the liberal losers in power now surely know-of that.

WHO can argue against "Make America GREAT Again!" and "America FIRST!"??

The Democrats surely wanna see "The United States of the World"
and "Global Economy"... With the Dems in charge of everything. ..

... That's why President Trump remains such a threat.
They targeted Trump as He came down the stair-lift (escalatour)
eight years ago. .... And they STILL target Him.

... Is THIS how most Americans want it?
I don't believe so.

I don't believe Americans want their elections rigged and
one-sided FBI and DOJ rulings and attacks.

... I believe Americans want LESS government intrusion and
quite frankly - to be left alone to make their-own choices.

And the country is NOT getting that NOW.

... Which is why President Trump has such a strong barrack
as He moves toward the White House yet-again. ...

And STILL the Odds-on FAVOURITE to Win in 2024! ...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Jackie mentioned one of the dems biggest allies/tools!

The press has relentlessly for 6 years 24/7 promoted this hateful agenda. The constant barrage of attacks on Trump and supporters. Their sensationalist reporting and biased attacks have further divided this nation. These thugs are the same ones that make martyrs out of looters and race baiters. Yet condemn anyone that dares to oppose or say whats really going on in the Nation. Trump has exposed the swamp and they DONT LIKE IT!
... Then ya throw-in all the outright LIES and cover-ups
from the Biden-weaponised FBI and DOJ.

Pushing Twitter and Facebook to DROP the "Hunter laptop" story.
Zuckerberg admitted that.

You think people might have voted differently IF they knew-of
Hunter's laptop before the election?

No wonder Trump claims the election was rigged. ... IT WAS!

#### Salty

No wonder Trump claims the election was rigged. ... IT WAS!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Ever notice how MSM news reports always make sure they include the word WIDESPREAD in the story, as in ' no evidence of widespread voter fraud' ?
No one is claiming 'widespread' voter fraud, just in a few key states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona.
If you include the media suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story along with all of the other attacks on Trump by the MSM, the election was certainly rigged.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ever notice how MSM news reports always make sure they include the word WIDESPREAD in the story, as in ' no evidence of widespread voter fraud' ?
No one is claiming 'widespread' voter fraud, just in a few key states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona.
If you include the media suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story along with all of the other attacks on Trump by the MSM, the election was certainly rigged. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
Johnny Its more simplistic than that. Its not statewide in these States. What they did was have the dem party rig just a few precincts in a few States with friendlies. Thats all it took. Massive ballot harvesting dropped in vote drop boxes. Thats how they did it!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kope (okay, you get it)

The total buy in for Trump’s strategy of being persecuted isn’t wasted on y’all.

Eject this toxic flotsam and find someone better.

Simple solution.

Until then, S.N.I.C.K.