'Good' Girls Too?

Doglegg's Avatar
The Daily Beast: Masturbation Isn’t Just for Bad Girls.


Hottassamelia's Avatar
I think a lot of the women surveyed lied..
I've been "double clicking the mouse".. since I was a teenager........
When I was a "Good Girl"
and now...when I'm a "Bad Girl"

"If God intended us never to masturbate, he would have made our arms shorter." - George Carlin
TxHarleyBiker's Avatar
"If God intended us never to masturbate, he would have made our arms shorter." - George Carlin Originally Posted by PDid

Think tyrannosaurus rex...
Pbbt. Those girls had to be lying.

I've done hundred of volunteer hours with special needs students, preschools, and the mentally disabled. I was a Sunday School teacher, candy striper, President of my church's youth group, and on Church Council. Many of my friday nights in high school were spent with my parents at Bible study. I graduated high school before I lost my virginity.

I found out that I could bring myself to orgasm at the age of FOUR and would masturbate at least five times a week. (No I was not abused, just curious.)

Masturbation is not something that "good girls" don't do. They just don't admit to it.