Albundy for President!!!!

F Trump we want Albundy for President!
Where can I cast my early vote?

albundy's Avatar
I accept the nomination and I appreciate your support.

Now get me a beer.
We want Al...We want Al.....!!!!

I would suck his cock in the Oval

What's his platform? Other than financial reform where does he stand on outlawing CBJ? Would all the house interns have to come from the BP elite or will he be fair and allow some eccie talent in the big white round room? Could I be your minister of human services?
albundy's Avatar
We want Al...We want Al.....!!!!

I would suck his cock in the Oval

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
President Bundy accepts your offer. Feel free to have your way with me at the earliest convenient time. Let me check my schedule first. I'll plow you after I hammer out a treaty, veto some laws, and shit.
Once you are inaugurated I will most definitely hook you up....
albundy's Avatar
What's his platform? Other than financial reform where does he stand on outlawing CBJ? Would all the house interns have to come from the BP elite or will he be fair and allow some eccie talent in the big white round room? Could I be your minister of human services? Originally Posted by OldGent
First order of business, obviously, will be to get rid of anti-prostitution laws (I mean, for consenting adults.)

1.) CBJ's are not only discouraged, but BANNED and against the law. Heavy fines and revocation of your whoring license to follow if you commit this heinous crime against humanity.

2.) A Presidential Bordello will immediately be constructed, with taxpayer funds, of course. I need stress relief at a moment's notice and will require complimentary BBJs to visiting Heads of State to keep relations good.

3.) Melissa will be in my cabinet as Secretary of Hospitality. You will be my point person on making sure all balls are drained routinely. OG will be my African-American Relations Czar. Seeking P will be my Secretary Of State. Why her? Because I can. Fuck 'em if they don't like it.

4.) As for BP hookers. Fuck that. I'm using "Campaign Contributions" to have ECCIE chicks on call. Secret Service details will escort them to my Presidential Pleasure Chamber (the Oval Office).

5.) Also, I'll appoint a commission to study escort rates and how we can regulate prices to make sure they don't go to high.

This is my 5-Point Plan. All of the other stuff will work itself out. (Russia, North Korea, Radical Islam, Obamacare premiums going up, etc. etc.) Screw all of that, I want to tackle the important issues. Thank you for your support. Let's make America great again!
DallasRain's Avatar

Spinoff from WWPS thread..We wanna know what would AL say...

What Would Al Say?

.... Come on Mr President,, what does Al say?
President Al Bundy and his First Lady Peggy Bundy...

albundy's Avatar
President Al Bundy and his First Lady Peggy Bundy...

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
albundy's Avatar

What Would Al Say?

.... Come on Mr President,, what does Al say? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I'll have to get back to you, P. I'm in a high-level meeting with my top aides at my Campaign Headquarters.

n0laARIES87's Avatar
So i'm assuming that in tradition, the victory celebration will take place at campaign headquarters. Am i setting my GPS to the nudie bar or Polk High?
Your first debate will be in Fuchon against Hillary. Ice-T will be moderating. After Action analysis panel to include Nina Hartley, Larry Flynt, Jenna Jamesson, and Al Sharpton.