How to Improve an Escort's IQ

A supercalifragilistic year of fun!!!
hotrix1's Avatar
Then I should have been charging a premium for my smartjuice instead of giving it away for free, or worse paying someone to suck it out of me.... Oh wait, dammit, no wonder my IQ been in the gutter so much lately. Shit!! I've had it sucked outta me for years.

And P, is that all you can say? supercalifragilistic? After all the cum ingested over the years, whether spit or swallow, there's been some ingested. Must have raised the IQ to at least the 120's by now.
Im still in awe.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidoc ious
was the first thing i thought of .... lol
myren1900's Avatar
So now we know why women and gay guys are so much smarter than the rest of us ...

Way to go, science forwards mankind once again, Kudos to the good lsdy for her advancement of the species.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Have been lacking. Sigh... xxoo annie
hotrix1's Avatar
Won't even charge you for it.

For everyone else, now that there's scientific evidence for it, it's no longer a BJ your paying for. You could even write it off as an educational expense to enhance your IQ, couldn't you?

Shit, this brings out my inner man-whore. Smartjuice by the ounce anyone?
A supercalifragilistic year of fun!!! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I was forced (by mom) to sing that as part of a quartet in a grammar school talent show. We won first place. Best part was that I was kneed in an eye during a game of front yard football several days earlier and had one helluva shiner.
hotrix1's Avatar
I bet that even with her IQ she still wouldn't be able to play The Sound of Music with her armpit.