
hotrix1's Avatar
A hooker is lounging in her bed one evening,
counting the day's income, when a Koala
bear appears at her open window. He winks at her,
hops onto the bed, climbs in between her legs,
and proceeds to eat her pussy. Not too dismayed by
her unexpected guests act, she spreads her legs
and lets him have at it. Finishing, the koala
bear licks his lips and starts to exit out the
same window.

"Hey, wait a minute, buddy, you’ve got to pay for
that! I’m a hooker you know! "

"A hooker, what’s that?" asks the koala bear.

"A hooker! you know, a prostitute! Its in the
dictionary, look it up!" So she shows the koala
bear the entry in the dictionary. Sure enough it
says," Hooker: woman who exchanges sexual acts
for monetary gain."

The Koala bear thinks about this and says, "Do
you know what I am? I'm a koala bear! Look it

The koala bear disappears out the window,
the hooker thumbs through the dictionary and
looks up "Koala Bear"

It reads: "Koala Bear: arboreal marsupial, eats bushes and leaves."
terrier16973479's Avatar
Here's a fun fact about koala bears:
A koala's fingerprints are so similar to a human's, they are often, mistaken for human's fingerprints at crime scenes...
So if you are ever falsely accused, you can say,
The koala did it!
That might even work...
In Australia!
hotrix1's Avatar
Aussie Hell-yun would prob find it funny.
DasAmebas's Avatar
Most koala bears have herpes.
annie@christophers's Avatar
And how on earth yall come up with these tidbits of information will never cease to amaze me..... hmmm. Wonder which one of you freaks gave the koala bear the herpes?? AUSTRALIAN!!!! WHERE IS THAT BOY AT!!?? Xxoo annie
hotrix1's Avatar
Now Annie, don't blame hell_yun for that. Could've been anyone. I mean hell, chicks think koalas are cute, could've been one of the girls.
annie@christophers's Avatar
So much for my bucket list...j.s
terrier16973479's Avatar
I've got a long list of funny animal facts...from a job I had where my people needed to keep people entertained while waiting, and themselves when they were bored, maybe I'll start posting them in comedy Central...
To get back on topic...when looking online for my avatar, I ran across quite a few scenes of beastiality, not my thing...
But I did find an adorable video of a terrier trying to fuck a stuffed pikachu!
terrier16973479's Avatar
DallasRain's Avatar
annie@christophers's Avatar
Good morning dallas! Cute fucking pic🤗
Bestiality** it's pronounced like bes che ality. Funny everything thinks it's beast lol