Response To Review Comments

Brielle Devonshire's Avatar
There seems to be several comments in response to my recent review and I just wanted to take a moment to address them.

I understand that hobbying may be somewhat difficult in Albuquerque. It is very important that gentlemen have choices locally and in my opinion they do. The beauty of the hobby is that there is something for everyone and that is reflected by the variety of rates and providers that are found here. It seems rather ridiculous to me that anyone would attack someone's review because their rate is currently out of someone's budget. Particularly, when these individuals have neither communicated with nor had a date with said provider. I am a bit shocked by this petty behavior. Thus far, I have experienced nothing but kind and helpful people since I began in this hobby.

On another note: I have never requested that anyone post a review on this site or any other. And I most certainly have never and would never tell anyone what to write or how to write their review either. As far as the "upscale image" that has been essentially referred to as some conspiracy to project an a façade that does not exist....that sounds like some deeper issue to me and more than likely some myth created out of jealousy.

In general, I have really enjoyed the gentlemen I have met in Albuquerque/Santa Fe and I refuse to let a few people ruin it for the rest of us who can behave professionally and respectfully.
Brielle, this is an open forum for meeting people and have open conversations and opinions. Don't read too much into anything folks say on here. Your response conveys that you are a seasoned veteran of hobbying. I may be wrong but the info I have, though limited is that you pretty new to this. Calling people petty, jealous or hinting to conspiracy does not paint you in the best of light.
You are accurate that we have choices. The info the gentlemen are conveying is relevant to them. Take the info anyway you want. The info can be a tool for you or not.

Many of the gents have to work very hard or very long to come up with the funds for their play money. For some the play money comes easier and it is not an issue to them and their spending reflects that. Your rate is limiting your client base which may be fine for you. I think most gentlemen here are doing comparative pricing and feel that your rates are out of the ordinary for the current market both here and abroad. Your time is worth however you value it.
Our resources and how we utilize them is up to us also. The upscale image comment and in the content it was said was by someone very new and may not understand how things sometimes work in the hobbying world. I would cut him a little slack since he is new and move on.
Again I don't believe anyone is attacking you or your review. Just expressing their opinions. Though you did not ask anyone to write a review on you they do benefit you and are one of the main reasons for this site. Without reviews and the exchange of info among the gents there would not be any of these sites and the advertising and safety that they afford you.
Brielle, I've never seen you before. I realize these comments ended up in the chain of one of your reviews...but my comments were in no way directed at or in reference to you specifically. I've seen nothing but great reviews for you.

As 9921js said, this is a forum for hobbyists to discuss all things, including rates, rates are a very relevant topic for us. No offense intended, nor did I intend to imply any judgement about whether you're worth your rate or that you are fixing your reviews. There are other providers who will tell you how to write their reviews. This is simply a forum for discussion about the hobby in our market. From what I've heard about you, I don't think you're at any risk of having a client claim you charged them too much.
Personally, I think this whole issue of her charging top rates should not have arisen in the first place. She is a provider and has the right to set her own rates based on certain standards or criteria. If you cannot afford it just look for someone else. There are a lot of other good providers out there. I am a college student and her rates are out of my range so I did not contact her for an appointment. I contacted other local providers reviewed on this board whom I could afford. Just my humble opinion