A bit of a Tiger Woods rant

Judge Smails's Avatar
So Tiger is interviewed after his PGA round and has a clear chance to take poor Corey Pavin off the hook regarding picking him as a captains pick. All he has to say is he is hurt, playing like shit, whatever.

What does he do? Says he wants to play. Now Pavin has to pick him. Who the hell wants to partner with him? Bet the players wives will be real happy.

This from the guy who once said they should be paid for the Ryder Cup.

What a putz
steverino50's Avatar
And to figure a couple of weeks ago Tiger finished 78th in a field of 80. I always wanted to play golf like Tiger Woods....now I do!

(no just kidding...but it sounded funny).
monkish's Avatar
Unfortunately its always all about Tiger. I have been watching golf long before the Tiger-fest and will continue to watch with/without Tiger. That being said the media has to hype Tiger beyond ridicoulasness to keep viewers on the band wagon.

His best years are behind him and I don't think Tiger will break Jack's record !
chifan's Avatar
I wonder what would have happened at the PGA if it was Tiger or Phil instead of Dustin Johnson who just got screwed by the officials.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Good point. Not to take away from the Tiger issue, but doesn't Johnson have to just freakin ask for a ruling? I mean, he is standing on sand? By the way, feel free to hit three wood off the tee or layup
Hawkeye's Avatar
Elihu, I don't agree with you at all. The man has maintained his #1 ranking all season.

And for those of you who think that Tiger has lost it, look a little deeper. Question: Who had the best aggregate score in the four 2010 majors? Answer: Eldrick Woods.

He should be on the team, and it's not even close.

And while we're at it, Dustin Johnson didn't get screwed. He broke the rule. The same rule that applied to every player in the field all week, that had been posted all over the players locker room. Reporters at the tournament went in the locker room and saw it. It was still there. Dustin admitted that he never reads the rule sheet. Maybe he should. The rule might be a bad rule, but that's another conversation for 2015 when they play at Kohler again.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Elihu, I don't agree with you at all. The man has maintained his #1 ranking all season.

And for those of you who think that Tiger has lost it, look a little deeper. Question: Who had the best aggregate score in the four 2010 majors? Answer: Eldrick Woods.

He should be on the team, and it's not even close.

And while we're at it, Dustin Johnson didn't get screwed. He broke the rule. The same rule that applied to every player in the field all week, that had been posted all over the players locker room. Reporters at the tournament went in the locker room and saw it. It was still there. Dustin admitted that he never reads the rule sheet. Maybe he should. The rule might be a bad rule, but that's another conversation for 2015 when they play at Kohler again. Originally Posted by Hawkeye
I agree with you on the ruling

but I do not know how Tiger has stayed #1, what has he won this year? must be a complicated scoring system, does it take in more than one year?

that being said, I think there are about 20 of the young gun 20yo's that are playing better.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
It's golf, right? Could there be anything less exciting or interesting?

Oh, wait! Yes, yes there is something that could be just as slow and uninteresting. This could be a thread about baseball.

Thank goodness Football and Hockey will be starting soon!

Aw c'mon, don't be pissed. I'm just pulling yer chains.
Interesting statistic: Low combined score for the Majors this year was by Philbert with Tiger just one stroke behind . . .

For the record, if Tiger didn't say he wanted to play in the Ryders Cup THEN I'd really be worried. Anyone who can struggle on through his self-inflicted situation is still a pretty strong minded/willed person.

White Tiger's Avatar
Some of you guys must not follow golf very closely. The chances of Tiger not getting picked for the Ryder Cup are infinitesimal. He won't finish in the top 8, but Pavin gets at least two (and I think 4 this time) captain's picks. At the time of the "controversy" Tiger was, I believe, 10th in the standings. As the number one player in the world for the last 5 years or so, and having finished top 5 in two majors this year, and top 30 in the other two, and having swept team play in the President's Cup last year (5-0 record), the only congroversy really is who the other captain's picks would be. True, he's not on his regular game--but it would be almost unimaginable for the world's number one to get left off the team when he's that close to playing his way in anyway.
Follow the money. Ratings go up when Tiger is in the field.

It is a no brainer.
  • Glr
  • 08-16-2010, 02:30 PM
Lots of good points being made but my viewpoint is based on who is playing the best golf at this time of year, that is who Corey should be picking. Yes Tiger us still ranked number 1 in the world but is he playing like the #1 player in the world right now. I want guys on the team who are playing consistent, solid golf right now. I want guys on there who are hungry to win the Ryder Cup. Someone told me last week that they heard an interview with Tiger that when he has time to practice he has his kids so he isn't getting to practice. He is also starting with a new teacher and if any of us have taken lessons in the past we all know that it takes time to develop confidence and timing with any new changes in the golf swing.