Agency and Credit Cards?

I have never used an agency, but am considering that jump. Some of them take credit cards it seems. Considering the legally grey region we all play in, I wonder if that is a smart idea. Can anyone offer some advice or experience with this?
Don't ever use your credit card. If the agency is busted, Leo could track the receipts back to you and use as evidence to charge you. It happened in my town last year.
ck1942's Avatar
Using a credit to make any purchase is not illegal unless and until LEO can make a case that the transaction was for something illegal. A hour of escort time is not illegal.

Be way more worried that your s.o.'s divorce attorney finds that transaction or an employer or potential employer.

Worse case scenario is "someone" at the agency misuses the CC or the data associated therein.

Very difficult to link c.a.s.h. to agency transactions imho.
dtymh55's Avatar
Using a credit to make any purchase is not illegal unless and until LEO can make a case that the transaction was for something illegal. A hour of escort time is not illegal.

Be way more worried that your s.o.'s divorce attorney finds that transaction or an employer or potential employer.

Worse case scenario is "someone" at the agency misuses the CC or the data associated therein.

Very difficult to link c.a.s.h. to agency transactions imho. Originally Posted by ck1942
With Credit card you might get a shock when the bill arrives Cash is King.
pumpkineater's Avatar
Never use your RL credit card with any agency. too dangerous because of unscrupulous employees having access to RL data now. Cash is of course preferred. But, if you are doing transactions over the phone, how can they get the cash? Obviously not. So go buy a pre-paid Visa/MC from the checkout stands at Wal-Mart, and pay cash for it to the checker. (btw- this is the same procedure when buying your hobby phone from a retailer. pay cash for it at the checkout. when you buy those 'minutes' cards, pay cash for them.)

I always carry a pre-paid visa card with me, that way if I go into questionable areas, I don't have a 'fat' wallet enticing folks who are looking for their next meal.

In most parts of the country, LE gives priority to busting agencies (who they call "traffickers") over independent providers. So keep that in mind.
ck1942's Avatar
It has been pointed out to me privately by several providers that they once accepted credit cards from known clients but that a couple of clients then contested the charges to the CC company.

After investigations of some sort, the CC company then cancelled the "merchant accounts" of the providers because the CC company terms of service don't allow for "illegal" activities.

Maybe a way around this is to "sell the client a very expensive pair of panties or somesuch" so the card isn't used for "services?"