The right one

I'm too picky I think. Obsessed with finding the perfect gal
Little Monster's Avatar
Ok?????????? Where's the punch line??

I feel like your begging for this so...your welcome

What makes her the perfect girl?

Hehe had to poke a little fun but yes I am curious now...
knotty man's Avatar
sounds like your looking for the wrong thing.
the hobby isnt about perfection (most of us here arent no Brad Pitt)
its about conveinience,anonimity, discretion, and sexual freedom.
you might wanna try christian mingle, i think i saw their banner on here
but you gotta ask for the:
(G)ood (F)riday (E)xperience
or the
(P)alm (S)unday (E)experience
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Find a new hobby, one you have more controll of and can make your own perfection. This hobby has many flaws on both sides, this makes it interesting in my opinion.

ck1942's Avatar
Well, since you have been here only a short while, the best thing to do is RESEARCH.

Read the reviews, the ads and the ML to gain a beat on the pulse of many different opinions.

The are fine playmates here, and some not so fine.

The key is trying to define your taste for playmates and when you think you have found a few, try them out.

My take is don't pay too much attention to the $$ signs at the get go.

Concentrate on finding the

-- chemistry
-- companionship
-- communications
-- copulation

formula that suits your needs.

Happy Hobbying!
dodger's Avatar
a deer in the headlights ...

aka ... any excuse will do ...

for me ... i can be flexible on looks .. but sexy has to be there ...

less flexible on donation and menu .. but usually not a barrier ...

... the key is .. if the lady makes it clear we will enjoy the time together ... though she can be acting ... acting is allowed if not outright encouraged
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Perfect is based on individual taste.
To some guys that could mean a certain age, eye color, hair color, height, weight, MM or natural breasts, and many other things that you are personally attracted to.
You may need to explain what you want in your 'perfect gal'.
But I have to agree that the hobby isn't about finding perfection, but having good, safe adult fun with ladies to your liking.
Take a chance and do your research to see who you may be compatible with and attracted to.
In addition to my question I want to add to tammies response as she has a good point on taking a chance...many feel money is a smaller investment than time or emotion. So it allows you to explore several options without "going broke" so to speak, in the categories in which you do not have expendable resources (ie time, patience, emotion, etc)
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 02-17-2016, 09:28 AM
Perfection is usually only found in the womb and the grave. (The least likely places you can get into trouble)

Everything in between is experience. I hope all of yours are good ones but as many have said, do your research.
I don't think you're picky, I think you're broke.

Only broke guys and assholes ask girls to perform live on webcam for them for free.

You're not an asshole, are you?

I had a totally different response that I was formulating and then I refreshed the page and read Bianca's comment. A quest for perfectionism is no to excuse act like a jerk, devalue a lady's time, and ask for freebies..
Miss Valentina's Avatar
"Dear Bianca, I'm making this incredible one-time offer to observe your gyrations so that I may climax on my MacBook or into this handy sock I keep under my couch cushions for free."

I'm sure that was a tough offer to turn down lol.