gf wants to consider being a part-time provider UTR

unipac69's Avatar
I thought long and hard before posting something like this, then decided why not. My gf has told me several times that she has considered being a part-time provide. Someone that would be UTR, low volume, but is very nervous about trying it. Mainly about getting caught.

I told her I would support her if that is what she really wanted to do. Also incase you are wondering she is not a young spinner either. This isnt really a post looking for someone I was just sitting here on the ECCIE site looking around and just thought I would send a post.

I hope everyone is having a great day. If for some reason you want to pm me that will be ok. Otherwise have a great day and take care.
So does that make you her UTR pimp?
ShysterJon's Avatar
If your girlfriend's primary concern is getting busted, she needs to understand what "prostitution" is under the law and develop a reliable method for screening. Doing those two things, I think, will lessen her chances for arrest.

How to screen is a topic best left for an experienced, reliable provider to discuss with your gf privately. But from a practical standpoint, I can say that more than 90% of prostitution busts that I've learned of over 26 years of practicing law in Texas involved undercover sting operations, either undercover fake SWs busting johns, undercover fake johns busting SWs, or, by far the most prevalent within our little community, undercover fake johns answering ads, the provider is sloppy, lazy, or desperate for cash and doesn't screen properly or maybe not at all, and The Laws haul her down to Sterrett.

For an explanation of what constitutes the crime of prostitution under Texas law, see:

"Fundamentals of Texas Prostitution Law"
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'll be interested in how she'll unwind after a hard day at the "office."
CoHorn's Avatar
Unipac, I would suggest that maybe if you have someone here that you have developed a rapport with, have a "meeting" with her. If she is comfortable with the situation, then maybe she can expand her client base. Not everyone is ready for this hobby when it comes down to it.
UNIPAC before you even get into, make sure you are truly ok with it and she understand the deal. I agree with the poster who said she should talk to someone in the biz
Iaintliein's Avatar
Perhaps invite her to join you with one of the ladies here, either as a participant or observer. Let her see first hand, and leg, etc. for herself?
unipac69's Avatar
No I would not be a UTR pimp. How stupid a question. For the others that responded thank you for you advice. I would be ok with it. Our relationship is pretty open. She has had sex with other guys before. She brought it up in conversation, cause she knows I play in the hobby from time to time, but as often as some.

So I told her I would put the question out there and see. She may not do it, which is cool with me. I just knew that the people that would know are all on here. So for the professional, intellegent people, thank you again.

Iaintliein, I have actually thought of doing that. I think that would be the easiet and safest way for her to find out if she really wants to or not.
I'm sorry that I offended your sensibilities, oh kind sir.

I'm not quite sure how I made the jump from a guy on an escort board putting it out there that his girlfriend might soon be available for P4P and a pimp on an escort board promoting his "girlfriend" as a possibility for future P4P sessions. Quite the logical leap.

How many PM's have you gotten so far, btw? Just curious.
First off, Do you live together? If you don't, do you help her financially? If you answered no to both, think about this. How is she going to feel when you pay another provider, knowing all along that she is available for you whenever you want? Do you show her your respect and appreciation by doing things for her, taking her out, buying her nice little gifts, etc.? Just a few things to think about.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I would think long and hard about what this could do to your relationship! If you think it will bring you two closer, you are sadly mistaken! No money in the world is going to bring you happiness!
just4funindfw's Avatar
I need a good titty slap, Lana.
Now back to your regular scheduled program.
unipac69's Avatar
No we do not live together and she pays her own bills and I pay my own bills. It isnt something she wants to try long term. As I said, we have a very open relationship and it is something she wanted to try. Do I think it will bring us closer together? No.

She is also ok with me playing in the hobby. She knows I dont do it for love, just for fun, it is rare when I do it. You can tell that by the very few reviews I have written.

Yes we go out often, and I buy her things, little gifts and things. She already has sex with othe guys just to have sex but never charges. It is just something she talked about. I dont know if she will even go through it. I am cool with it either way. She doesnt need the money, it is just something she and I talked about, she knows there would be some risk, but wanted to try and avoid being arrested if possible. That is all. Didnt want to make to muc of a deal out of it. But I do thank each of your for your advice.

Oh, and Im not over sensative, just cant stand jerks. This site is to cool for people like that.
drive rapidly away, far, far, away. i just can't see that coming to a happy ending. well, not for you.....all the time.....
unipac69's Avatar
LOL!!! Thanks for the advice excitingimagination. It may not happen anyway. Between my limited hobbying and her seeing other guys from time to time. We are able to fuel our sexual fire for each other for months. Then one of us will go out, either me in the hobby or her with a guy to add more to the fire.

The question was never a money thing, she just wanting to see if she could dabble in the hobby world as well for something new and try to reduce her risk of getting in trouble. But it is appearing it may be to risky and we may just stick to what we have been doing.

Again, thanks everyone for your advice.