Another 'WTF did she say'?

Hercules's Avatar
Lady once made a snarky comment about the sexiness (or lack thereof) of my job. That was #1 "Whadaphuck" statement until......

A lady...a provider....a popular provider with more reviews in a month then hairs on my ass said;
"You have too many 'OKs', you see too many women?"

Been with Gina since day1 have less the 50 OKs and I'd guess 1/3 are from ladies looooong retired!

Houw due ewe sphel hippokrit!?
TheWanderer's Avatar
It does sound beyond belief that would be a problem.
However, if that really is a problem for her, I would really like to know why.
What's her reasoning behind that?
I've found that in this hobby world, if something doesn't add up, there is usually deception behind it.
Hercules, you're such a slut.

Personally, I only see providers who have less than 10 lifetime sexual partners. I haven't gotten laid in a long, long time.
A lady...a provider....a popular provider with more reviews in a month then hairs on my ass said;
"You have too many 'OKs', you see too many women?"

Been with Gina since day1 have less the 50 OKs and I'd guess 1/3 are from ladies looooong retired!

Houw due ewe sphel hippokrit!? Originally Posted by Hercules

Funny enough, I have had a lady or two or three make the same comment. "Gee, you're a busy fellow with all those OK's!" Hmmm, so let me see. 54 OK's, almost 6 years to the month of being on P 411 translates to 9 OK's per year. Or, break it down even further to less than 1 visit per month. (Thanks Traci...I've stopped staring at your pictures now! LOL)

What I wanted to say was, "Why yes, with one visit approximately every four weeks, I've been busy. let's quantify how we would classify you, Miss Provider Y, with visits three or four days, every three or four hours? Maybe rush hour traffic on the DNT is a good analogy?"

So let's extrapolate a bit further, and assume that I saw each of my OK's multiple times...maybe 4 times each. (Which is not the case at all, but just for fun...) That would be 216 trysts in 6 years. Or, three times per month. (Hell, there are long term married couples who do it more than that!) Again, unless my perception of "busy" is very skewed, there's a bit of a double standard here.

In fairness, when I pointed out the period of time during which the OK's occurred one lovely lady admitted she hadn't considered that. The others, I immediately wrote off and didn't bother to see...
Hehe, your math is a teensy bit flawed, Tony (9 okays a year = .75 visits a month), but it's okay, I know you were perusing my pics and your head was just foggy. Totally forgivable. :P

To answer OP's question, I actually did once turn a guy down for too many okays (I was very new at the time, give me a break). It was less that I thought badly of him because he had seen a lot of providers, and more that I was very intimidated and just SURE that I would not measure up to his standards considering his vast experience with providers.

Sometimes you guys are so quick to judge us, you seem to forget that we are people who are flawed and have feelings. This job is wonderful in a lot of ways, but sometimes, it's scary as hell, and a little empathy can go a long way.
Hercules's Avatar
Let me add this was face-to=face and after a decent boink... had she used it as an excuse to not see me I would've just written it off that she had other reasons.
Hehe, your math is a teensy bit flawed, Tony (9 okays a year = .75 visits a month), but it's okay, I know you were perusing my pics and your head was just foggy. Totally forgivable. :P

To answer OP's question, I actually did once turn a guy down for too many okays (I was very new at the time, give me a break). It was less that I thought badly of him because he had seen a lot of providers, and more that I was very intimidated and just SURE that I would not measure up to his standards considering his vast experience with providers.

Sometimes you guys are so quick to judge us, you seem to forget that we are people who are flawed and have feelings. This job is wonderful in a lot of ways, but sometimes, it's scary as hell, and a little empathy can go a long way. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Good points Traci. works both ways for some of the gents around here. (Gent being the operative word.) I have a boat load of insecurities, so I'm always apprehensive when I meet a lady for the first time. (Even though it's a business transaction, my philosophy is that it should be fun for all involved.) Will I measure up? Will there be any chemistry? Will I be at least somewhat tolerable for an hour, to provide her with a slight bit of enjoyment? After all, you're right...we're all human! Thanks for pointing that out. (And for correcting my math!!!. Can we meet for some remedial studies please? LOL)
Let me add this was face-to=face and after a decent boink... had she used it as an excuse to not see me I would've just written it off that she had other reasons. Originally Posted by Hercules

Maybe she was trying to convince you that there was no need for any more OK's so you would become her regular client, and stop your further conquests!

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-24-2011, 09:41 AM
*Snicker* I love the word "snarky"......
great word....
silly comment.

adj \ˈsnär-kē\
Definition of SNARKY

: crotchety, snappish

: sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner <snarky lyrics>

snark·i·ly \-kə-lē\ adverb
.example-sentences OL.collapsed-list LI.hidden { DISPLAY: none}LI.more-sent-link { BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%}#content .definition DIV.d LI.more-sent-link A.more-link { FONT-VARIANT: normal; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; COLOR: #717274; FONT-SIZE: 13px; TEXT-DECORATION: none}#content .definition DIV.d LI.more-sent-link A.hide-link { FONT-VARIANT: normal; FONT-FAMILY: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; COLOR: #717274; FONT-SIZE: 13px; TEXT-DECORATION: none}#content .definition DIV.d LI.more-sent-link A.more-link:hover .text { TEXT-DECORATION: underline}#content .definition DIV.d LI.more-sent-link A.hide-link:hover .text { TEXT-DECORATION: underline}.example-sentences OL.expanded-list A.more-link { DISPLAY: none}.example-sentences OL.collapsed-list A.hide-link { DISPLAY: none}#content .definition DIV.d LI.more-sent-link SPAN.icon { PADDING-RIGHT: 2px}Examples of SNARKY
  1. <working all day with such snarky jerks is exhausting>
  2. <with champagne as a lubricant, she unleashed an unending series of snarky comments for the duration of the wedding reception>
Saw a visiting Provider a couple weeks ago and we were actually talking about what constitutes too many OKs. She said there was a guy (Dallas guy, I think) that had over 300 P411 that possible? Is there a number limit? If I was a Provider, I would rather see the guy with 300 than the guy with factor, I guess. I'm thinking 20 OKs within the past year are just about perfect.
I like "snarky" too. I hope its not because that's the word that best describes me Btw, I'm partial to "snobby" people, especially those that feel that way about their choices in food)) LOL
I know for me I would rather see a provider with lots of reviews as I know I am going to have a great time. Everytime I have an appointment I make sure I do my research as I want to make sure I am picking the right lady. Fortunately in DFW there are a lot of great ladies to choose from.

If I was a provider I would think I would prefer hobbyist with a lot of okays. At least I would think if a hobbyist had a lot of okays he is going to be cool and treat you well. I doubt he would have a lot of okays if he was a jerk.

If there ever was a doubt just call or e mail the references. At least this way you would know.
<<<<<<<< Jerk


Daaaman, thats not always the case.

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-24-2011, 06:24 PM
Ya know.. I see a ton of OK's as a sign that the gent contacting me is going to be a little more serious about booking.. since he is a serious hobbyist.

But- not only has the intimidation factor kicked in that Traci mentioned... but also the "safety" factor.... Yes, hypocritical, but seeing a gent with a million and one ok's or reviews puts up a yellow flag to be extra careful about condoms and whatnot. Just another thought to toss around.