Group Party Injury

BigOil's Avatar
Just curious - anyone ever get "beat up" during a "group party"? As in elbow/knee size bruises, scratches, wrist bruises, etc..?

Group Party = use your imagination.
Define group
pyramider's Avatar
Since BigOil is from Austin ... He must be talking about a gangbang or bukkake party.
pyramider's Avatar
No Red, I thinck he wants to be the belle of the ball.
BigOil's Avatar
Yep Originally Posted by LadyRed
LadyRed, obviously I'm a group exactly do said injuries happen?
LadyRed, obviously I'm a group exactly do said injuries happen? Originally Posted by BigOil
Injuries can occur in a variety of ways some intentional some by accident... Whats your Kink?

No Red, I thinck he wants to be the belle of the ball. Originally Posted by pyramider
That's my job...LOL
pyramider's Avatar
Rug burns really suck.

Red you are just an attention ho.
Rug burns really suck.

Red you are just an attention ho. Originally Posted by pyramider
Both of your statements are correct Sir.
pyramider's Avatar
Red you are the belle of the ball, unless you are the Dom.
BigOil's Avatar
Injuries can occur in a variety of ways some intentional some by accident... Whats your Kink?

That's my job...LOL Originally Posted by LadyRed
I would love to get in one...not as the belle though.

I'm thinking inner thigh and arm bruises just come from mishaps from participants moving around the subject. Scratches and bruises on wrists from the rough stuff. Maybe cuffs? Duh right...
  • Amia
  • 05-03-2012, 12:25 PM
For a group novice you mention some pretty specific injuries.

Have you seen such injuries? If so, are you looking to identify them as ones resulting from a "group party?" Is there any evidence that the individual on whom the injuries are visible has taking part in a "group party?"

People can get bruised and scratched just in everyday life, you know. Moving a fridge to clean behind it, carrying an awkward, heavy package, playing with a dog, you name it. There's a saying in medicine all residents get told: "When you hear hooves, look for horses, not zebras." In other words, look for the most reasonable possibilities, such as the common cold, before looking at more remote possibilities.

Your posts are perplexing, because the specific injuries you mention could be caused by anything, including a "party" consisting of two consenting adults.

I am concerned. particularly in light of your other discussions.

Please reassure us that no one is injured, or will be.
BigOil's Avatar
Amia, unfortunately someone I know was injured. They said they fell but the injuries were not consistent with a "fall". If youre close to the medical profession, then you should be aware that contusions/abrasions etc tend to replicate their causation. Also, locality of said injuries were not consistent with a fall. Friends party was obviously a group deal -and a rough one at that. I was just surprised at how injured they were. It looked like an assault.

And, Zebras are horses - they just cant be domesticated and they have a flashier wardrobe.
  • Amia
  • 05-04-2012, 08:01 PM
Just call me Zebra :-)

BigOil, you are correct--contusions and abrasions do tend to replicate their causation as you say. Accidental bruises are usually found on the skin overlying bony prominences such as shins and foreheads, and inflicted bruises most often occur on the fleshy parts of the body.

That said, it's not always easy for determine the cause of an injury, unless one is highly trained and/or experienced in this. I'm not, but there are a few things contained in your discussion which did catch my eye.

Is what you described the full extent of the visible signs of injury?
BigOil's Avatar
Extent of injuries would be round bruise on upper inner bicep with crescent shaped scratch wrapped around back of same arm. Same diameter/pattern bruise inner upper thigh. Parallel linear scratches on forearms, fingerpad size bruises on wrists. Petechia of eyes. All of this visible 3 days after event. Pretty sure I know how it went down.

For the record, it was my ex GF - now sometimes ATF GFE. Pro bono of course.

Zebras are beautiful, and quite exotic. Also very elusive.