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One night three gentleman were sitting in a bar talking about life, politics, and social affairs.

After a few rounds of drinks the topic turned to sex and mainly what they did to get there wives HOT.

The Englishman went first.
He stated that "before I make love to my wife I draw her a nice hot bubble bath, put on soft music, lite scented candles, put silk sheets on the bed, and that" he said "really gets her HOT".

The Frenchman while impressed with his friends ability to get his wife in the mood for sex was not to be out done.

He proclaimed that "before I make love to my wife I draw her a bubble bath, put on soft music, lite scented candles, open a bottle of fine french wine. And after she is out of the bubble bath I lay her down on silk sheets massage exotic oils into her soft skin, and before We begin I take the petals off 2 dozen red roses and spread them all over the bed and her lovely body. And that really gets her HOT".

Well the iron worker while impressed, still had to say his piece.

He took a drink from his glass, looked at the gentalmen at the table and said.

"When I get done fucking my old lady I get up and wipe my dick off on her new curtains, AND MAN DOES THAT BITCH GET HOT".