
Luvlust88's Avatar
Obviously, I'd like to live a comfortable lifestyle by being able to invest.
I'd like to start paying taxes but I have no idea exactly where to start.Should I seek an accountant? What are the pros and cons of working with one, if any? Would it be necessary for me to be honest about my line of work? I've read up on the subject but I still feel clueless.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Form 1040 Schedule C

First line on the form asks "identify your profession and service offered"

You can put anything on this line like Escort or "sale of leisure services"

The Fifth Amendment privilege is in effect and helps protect you against self-incrimination which permits a prostitute to leave this line blank or provide a vague answer.

If you have a small nest egg put away you can hire an accountant to help you invest it but do a lot of research on who you hire.
gulflover's Avatar
It probably is best to consult someone, at least to start. They can guide you as to what to look for with deductions, record keeping, etc. I'm not sure I'd consult an accountant about investing, but to begin preparing taxes, yes.

Disclaimer: I am an accountant [though not CPA], so of course I think my profession is necessary for everybody
Dittychaser's Avatar
Use an accountant for record keeping and taxes. Use a Certified Financial Planner for investing.
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skirtchaser79411's Avatar
It really all depends on how long your plan of doing this