Sprint 4G LTE suxs

I have a galaxy nexus and my signal reception sucks rhinoceros dick. Anybody have issues with this phone or sprint in general?
Doglegg's Avatar
I really can't blame the carrier (I have ATT), and I am not sure that it is necessarily the phone model.

I think it is the 4G LTE technology that we have in the states.

If our 4G LTE phones were capable to switch 'down' to 3G you would see much better coverage.

When I am deep within a building I will get maybe one bar, a friend with the same carrier, different phone model and 3G technology will have more bars.

The frequencies used by 4G LTE are more susceptible to interference.

My knowledge and take on the issue anyway.
Interesting Doglegg... I get better signal on my cheap 3G hobby flip phone (It's a badass little phone though... I've had it for years.) than on my iPhone at times... More bars too... Always thought it was strange because they are both on the AT&T network.
guy fawkes's Avatar
I would have never bought a Google Nexus on AT&T or SPRINT ALWAYS besT on VERIZON
Agreed. Reception in Bryan is pretty wretched with rapid drops in service. It is as if they skimped on antenna placement because strength will decrease with short distance. College Station is a little better but still inconsistent. I have tested using iPhone and Galaxy S3 phones.

Verizon 4G on iPhone and Droid phones is rock solid.
johnnyglaze's Avatar
i have researched this before, having been with sprint for several years. and their signal strength is so poor. each carrier gets a certain bandwidth of spectrum, the lower the number the better signal it is. and sprint has a very high spectrum number. so their network is weak especially when inside a building.
Precious_b's Avatar
4G in this country is a myth.
Samcro84's Avatar
Use ATT travel all over south Texas with no problems. Even in areas where other companies cel service sucks.
Your right we don't have true 4g here...but people eat it all up!
Precious_b's Avatar
I have Sprint.
Basically for unlimited everything. I don't know my data/voice/text usage.
Had AT&T for only one contract period. Totally disgusted with their service.
But it is a mix for places that had better ATT service and Sprint service.
Only one place of note in my memory was way out in the country where I had to go to the road for ATT but Sprint picks up signal in the house.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-04-2013, 06:32 PM
I have been using Verizon since before they were Verizon. Anyone remember PrimeCo? Over ten years.

Unless I am deep within a building where there is a lot of concrete, I have had no signal issues. I have found that the 3G and 4G signals are a bit more susceptible to being interfered with in such places than the older type signals.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Sprint sux.
I can call and make up an issue and their answer will always be. " there's a tower down in your area, it's being repaired as we speak."
Precious_b's Avatar
Try getting satisfaction from AT&T.
I must have jinxed my phone with this thread because my screen cracked tonight Lmao! Replacement phone in route. And yes sprint has been working on towers in my area for the past 6 months *bullshit*
jstone420's Avatar
Don't feel bad I have the same problem in Houston