Any L1 massage places in Irving, Coppell area?

Any L1 massage places in Irving, Coppell area? How about Goji Therapy ? what is the best place in Carrolton area ?
PM is also welcome.
Thaiman's Avatar
There are a few places in Carrollton. Irving has one or two. Coppell has one or two.

Have a gander at the L0 Listing. It is a good resource for finding a massage without the worry of being bullied by some woman to give her your hard-earned money and let her assault you.

Please let me know which places and provider in Irving, Coppell, carrolton. Thank you
Welcome to ECCIE, kevin. Normally, a new member would be directed to use the Search function to research the people with whom and places where he would like to visit. However, do to recent changes in the site, much of the past information is not available.

But, all is not lost for the discerning man. There is a thread that has been revived recently. It is a great resource for those who like a good massage.

The establishments on the L0 Listing are those where you are least likely to be pressured into activities that some deem to be unseemly. Those establishments which are not listed fall into two groups: (a)Establishments in which members have been offered services that are not covered by licensure in the Great State of Texas, and (b)establishments which are not known to the members, in this regard.

I hope this helps you to find a masseuse, who can help relieve the stresses of daily life. When you visit an establishment, please log on to the site, go to the AMP Subforum and click on the New Encounter button. Complete the form, remembering to share the details in the Rest of the Story (ROS) section.

As you begin to contribute to the Forum, you will be able to develop a network of like-minded members, and learn a great many things, which may not have been shared with the general membership.

I hope you enjoy your time at ECCIE and look forward to getting to know more about you, as you get to know us.

Party on, Garth.

Thaiman's Avatar
118 spa irving L1 L2 L3
Really? This is news!

This place was one of those hidden jems, years ago. The gals were typical SubAMP fare, older, not slim, etc. But, they were renowned for their customized treatments, tailored to meet your specific needs.

Then, they got shut down.

After an extended absence, it reopened as 118. A couple of the brethren visited, hoping the Phoenix had risen from the ashes, only to be scolded and schooled by MMS.

118 is not a sex shop. Go somewhere else. This is serious business, they are told.

Then, a second 118 opens in FW. Tarrant Co brethren report similar results. No hanky panky.

Now, a year+ later, they're up to the old tricks in the barren wasteland of Irving!

This is good news, indeed.
So will try 118 and will give a feed back .
118 spa irving L1 L2 L3 Originally Posted by Thaiman
Thaiman usually has some good intel, but that would only mean one thing....that there is new "management"

I think the Chinese that fund these places take over if the "owners" fall behind on their payments, move in and get what they can in a short period of time until the cops start sniffing around, then they "sell" it off to another operator.
Did review on Spa 118...average