WARNING - You will lose a day reading PINAC - Photography Is Not a Crime Website

Watching the videos on this website will make your blood boil.


I know a lot of cops and tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. Also, there are 100s of thousands of cops, so even if there are a thousand bad cop postings on this website, that is still only a small percentage.

But still...

It is infuriating to see how many cops do not know - or do not care about - the law regarding the rights of videographers.

The cops in Massachusetts, Florida, and New Mexico seem to be particularly bad. The cops of Albuquerque and Boston seem to be totally out of control.

The website is 95% cop-related. But there are some videos related to private citizens obnoxiously violating the rights of someone filming in public.

Interestingly, there are videos on BOTH sides of the idiot Cliven Bundy issue. There is a post of a federal agent trying to stop a videographer from filming the federal agents. And there is a second video of an armed militiaman pussy trying to stop a guy from filming the militia pussies. Or, as the website notes, he is exercising his Second Amendment rights by violating the First Amendment rights of another citizen.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes there are some fucked up people in this world like the abortion clinic bombers that are against killing an unborn child but murdering a doctor is just.
Sort of like those that support abortion are against the death penalty.

Until we as human beings can recognize that we are not all alike and cannot be forced into submission by the culture of another, there will always be violations of our liberty.