For those of you into getting fitter

Interesting forum on bodybuilding,
For those of you interested in losing fat and not losing muscle in the process,
This is a good read.


The bottom line:

Get off the treadmill
(Do burst training 15 minutes,3 days a week)

Eat right (and enough!)

Do weight training
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Good info.. If i do the bursts can i eat at cheesecake factory once a week
If you eat right 6 days a week, I think you can splurge
The 7th day. Just get right back into eating clean the next day.
Funny thing, once you stop eating that crap, you no longer crave it.
And once you see some results you won't want to risk going backwards .

And you can make good choices even at The Cheesecake Factory .
Even though that defeats the purpose of going there.
If you eat right 6 days a week, I think you can splurge
The 7th day. Just get right back into eating clean the next day.
Funny thing, once you stop eating that crap, you no longer crave it.
And once you see some results you won't want to risk going backwards .
Originally Posted by daveindallas

There are a plethora of workout routines for purchase at

Home of the Insanity and P90X routines. Routines for all ages, women and men.
bored@home's Avatar
I have to disagree on not still craving the crap. I have lost quite a bit of weight and getting back to young man shape by working out (intervals and weights) and eating right (many more veggies and fruits) but the fat man is still in there drooling over a fat double meat cheese burger and milkshake....just have to will power it to eat a dry saled and grilled meat, chicken, or fish instead. (in truth some times I have to compromise with the fat man but then feel obligated to work harder the rest of the has been about a year how much longer should I expect the cravings to linger??)
Bestman200600's Avatar
Ask Tara she will help you get your fat off.
I should have said"once you stop eating that crap, you no longer crave it AS MUCH.
I still crave some sweets after eating right for 5 years.
But they are less intense and less frequent.
And I believe they are triggered by cheating, so the less
Cheats the less the cravings for more.
I like to think, as the article explains, how those 300 calories
You burned off on the treadmill or jogging are cancelled out when you go home and eat 3 cookies. Makes it easier to abstain when you realize how all your hard work goes for naught if you don't eat right.
I see jiggers running for an hour with obvious pain on their face and wonder what they are eating and whether they are sabotaging their efforts by eating bad or skipping meals.
And jogging only burns calories while you are jogging.
When you burst train(short all out sprints for 25 seconds, rest, repeat for 10 -15 minutes)
You continue to burn calories for 24-36 hours afterwards.
Aerobic exercise (low intensity jogging) burns some fat AND muscle.
Look at a marathon runner's body.
Anaerobic exercise burns fat only. Look at a sprinter"s body.
I think exercise is crucial but I think eating is the key to losing fat.
It doesn't take killing yourself everyday on the treadmill for hours.
Find out how many calories you should be consuming, either for weight loss or for weight maintenance, learn your ratios of protein/carbs/fat, and keep track of what you eat .
And weight train.....skinny and flabby is not attractive!!!
bored@home's Avatar
TY Dave
I plan to cut out the cheating in the new year, fingers crossed the cravings subside.
Between the ice storm, previous and upcoming holidays I have more than likely been one of those "jiggers" in obvious pain trying to atone for my dietary misdeeds.
TSPURS123's Avatar
Agree with the beachbody stuff. I did P90X about 3 years ago. Used to be 208lbs. I always used to lift weights but drank beer and ate nothing but steaks etc with no fruits or vegetables so I had a gut. I now eat healthier and don't drink. I Mostly eat chicken and added fruits and vegetables to my diet. I no longer drink cokes. I might drink some root beer or a monster on the weekends and reward myself with a steak here and there. I don't crave sodas or beer any more. I am now at about 180lbs give or take a pound and have done P90X, Asylum several times. I work out every other day now.. its funny because you kind of get addicted to working out once you see results. I hadn't seen my abs since I was 18 .
Asylum is brutal. Anyone wanting to start a routine from Beachbody, do Insanity or P90x first. Shawn T has a new one called T25. Shorter routines for those that don't have the time for the 45-60 minute ones.

Heard there is a P90X 3 now but some of these workouts seem to overlap and repeat each other.

For this hobby I can't think of a better program than Insanity to keep up with energizer bunnies like WhitneyDoesTexas, Pistol Marks, Bailey Summers, etc.
Made a world of difference for me.
Those are good programs.
Athleanx is another I think delivers great results ,
And doesn't require you to spend 2 hours in the gym 5
Days a week.
They all Give you the structure you need, so that you don't just
Go to the gym and do the same 5 exercises every time, and never push yourself.
Variety is the key, to constantly confuse your muscles to
Stimulate growth.
Well I'm a simpleton when it comes to this stuff and my coach says losing weight is 90% diet and 10% exercise he is right.

You can run intervals on a treadmill too.... But I prefer a track.

Ive lost 50 lbs in 2 years and still have more to go. I've done two half ironman races too and will do my first full in 2015 (more halves this year). Funny story: wore an IM tee to am incall and said my real name is on this shirt... And it is but so are 3,000 other names.

My favorite strength program is wendels 5/3/1. It's fast. It also allows time for me to swim bike and jog.... One day I'm going to be a runner again.

This winter I'm going to do a lot of swimming and 5/3/1.

For anyone serious about dropping lbs get and use myfitnesspal. It's the best app for counting calories.and yes I still eat the ocassional bad thing. You can be smart though. You can go to smashburger and build a moderate cal relatively much healthier burger, skip the fries, drink water or tea and not destroy your work. Myfitness pal helped me learn how to build damn tasty burgers that aren't going to kill you.

Now its time for me to kick.the soapbox and get back to training for IM. I have a lot of work left to do.

I agree with much said, but simple workouts can kick ass too, swimming, running, cycling, 5/3/1.

Oh and did I mention the more in shape you are the better lay you are? I just railed a lady into orgasmic heaven and I'm not as fit as Dave.... Yet. She got tired in CG and I let her have it in mish / legs pinned mush. I couldn't have done it a few years back. Working out is grate for your sex life, and I know if yiu are hear you like sex.
ca1962's Avatar
After my divorce, I was out of shape and overweight. I hired a personal trainer who I see twice a week. Not only did she help me exercise properly, with the right mix of weight and cardio, she also helped me change my diet. It was a slow process, but eventually I weaned myself off red meat, dairy, processed foods and high sugary foods. Plus I only drink water. My diet is largely beans, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables and gluten-free whole grains. When I go out, I can stray outside these guidelines, but I stock by refrigerator and pantry with only healthy foods. I am now (at 51) in the best shape I have ever been in my adult life.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Another interesting read on fat

http:// Originally Posted by daveindallas
That was an interesting read. Makes sense.
As an old (55) fat (290) man, I have to start now to slim back down.

I understand the food portions and types of food to avoid but haven't figured out an exercise regimen for starters. My oldest grand daughter is a high school wrestler and she will be my partner and motivator. She is also researching exercises for older out of shape people. And upon her request, a doctors visit us scheduled to make sure I can survive the new changes!

I know I'll never look like Dave's avatar, but wish me luck!