Interesting Experience

A business associate recently set me up with a UTR high priced escort. I wound up spending a good part of the day with her including having lunch and dinner in addition to a lot of sex. The lady was very attractive and polished. We got to talk quite a bit. She told me that she goes on these dates occasionally and only with older businessmen. What was interesting and amusing was that she told me that she was married to a well-to-do older man who objected to her "dates." However, she enjoys doing what she does, and has made it clear to her husband that he is lucky to have a wife who men will pay high sums to be with. If he were to get too pushy about her activitie, she would divorce him.

She tells him when she is going on a date and then tells him if she enjoyed herself. She will only have sex with her husband once a week and will divorce him if he has sex with any other woman, including escorts.

She said that her husband divorced his first wife to marry her and now knows that she will not modify her activities for him. He is not happy about it but accepts it.

She would not give me a number to reach her and said that she rarely sees a man more than once.
I need to PM you about this and hope that you will respond.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
lol...... Nick is it your wife
Mojojo's Avatar

She would not give me a number to reach her and said that she rarely sees a man more than once. Originally Posted by OldHobbyist
Perfect! Hook me up one time is fine with me!

lol...... Nick is it your wife Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Say it aint so?!
Wow, OldHobbyist.

I knew a lady whose ex husband liked it when the screwed other guys. It was turn on for him.

I have never heard of a setup where the husband knew, didn't like it yet put up with it.
surcher's Avatar
He must not have a prenup and a really shitty lawyer! Then again, he could just be whipped.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I need to PM you about this and hope that you will respond. Originally Posted by Nick11796
Gonna pm yourself?
tyboy1's Avatar
I'd kick her ass out the door.
Sarunga's Avatar
What puzzles me is why we have to go through this over and over again.
Kinda Random's Avatar
I'm going with whipped.
kerwil62's Avatar
Husband is a dumbass. He should've stayed with his first wife.

She's probably laughing at his ass right now.......
My ex husband of 5 years knew I wanted to be a escort, but didn't know what I really did. Some have a different idea of a escort lol. I love PSE, he thought it was about giving time and companionship lol.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
A cuckold.
  • SD7
  • 09-16-2012, 04:45 PM
The lady who has lived with me for the past four years had been an escort. When we agreed to get together, the understanding was that she would never be involved with escorting again. She worked for money and did not enjoy it. She was happy to leave. However, she knows some other ladies who were afraid to stop escorting because they were afraid of having to start over if their man/sugar daddy dropped them. One other lady could not stop because her self esteem was derived from how she looked. Men willing to pay high amounts for her convinced her that she was pretty.

If a man really loves the lady, he accepts but may not like the fact that she is doing things that he considers inappropriate.
With all due respect, SD7 ... The man's wife screws other men for money and then tells him all about the sessions both to boost her self-esteem and to humiliate him. And, then has the nerve to forbid him from playing with other women. She obviously derives emotional satisfaction from both the ego boost and humiliating her husband.

What kinda friggin idiot "accepts" that?