
I prefer to leave the donation after the encounter. Primarily if its someone new I know I am not going to get busted.
Feel more secure maybe a little paranoid but in todays world you cant be too cautious.
Curious what other hobbyist do or providers prefer
Unless it's a very established gal that you yourself are well established with, you're dealing with an idiot if she lets you put the money down afterwards.

And just to clue you in, brother, just showing up gets you busted. Ask anyone.
It shows intent and then you get the handcuffs.
You don't even have to have any money on you. You're busted just the same.
I think the only situation where you even consider not putting the donation out first is if you are a regular with the provider and have established some mutual trust.

Somewhat related: I have read that in some busts LE takes whatever money the provider has on them as evidence. In that case in a situation where LE busts a client and provider together, it would be best if it couldn't be proven money had exchanged hands, i.e., the provider had little money on them. Probably a rare situation since most busts seem to be via stings.
And just to clue you in, brother, just showing up gets you busted. Ask anyone.
It shows intent and then you get the handcuffs.
You don't even have to have any money on you. You're busted just the same. Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2
I still haven't officially begun hobbying, but I wanted to say that what is being said here is correct. While doing my research, I came across this website.Myths about prostitution. One of them is in regards to the legal process and what a jury can consider. Granted, this is Minnesota law, and Nebraska could be different, it is probably err on the side of safety.
If I remember I put it down right away. If not I put it down at the end. It's never been an issue.
First time I meet someone is always upfront at the start. After that first time things are pretty chill. A couple girls I've seen from here never even asked.
Mike1961's Avatar
I always put it down as soon as I arrive so she doesn't have to worry about it.