Toilet paper for trade.

Lol figured I would start a new thread for the fun of it.
lilylivered's Avatar
How much ya got
Never thought I would get as many offers as I did. Wow. Keep them cumming.
joelove69's Avatar
Just an FYI... Wegmans & Walmart will have Toilet Paper in the AM Good Luck
Plastic Man's Avatar
whys nots hires ...outs a funnel ta clean yer shitters till ...this blows ...over?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Just an FYI... Wegmans & Walmart will have Toilet Paper in the AM Good Luck Originally Posted by joelove69
at 5 am one package showed up at my local Wegamn's. I bought the 6 rolls.

only bought it to see if I could
If you buy the tube free kind it can become a multi-tasker. Use about 2/3 of it (to get a better grip), lube up the center, and have some fun!

Attachment 871514
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Lint dick.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Someone explain why stocking up on toilet paper would be priority #1 in an end times scenario.
Missburger's Avatar
Someone explain why stocking up on toilet paper would be priority #1 in an end times scenario. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
People are stupid

Cannot explain this behavior
Missburger's Avatar
Just an FYI... Wegmans & Walmart will have Toilet Paper in the AM Good Luck Originally Posted by joelove69
Yep idiots will be lining up to get in and race to the aisle
Someone explain why stocking up on toilet paper would be priority #1 in an end times scenario. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Supermarkets tend to operate with what's called "just in time" inventory. In other words, they don't like to have big stockpiles of goods like toilet paper hanging around.
They usually get deliveries each day, with just enough stock to hold them over to the next delivery.
If we think about toilet paper, it tends to be light and bulky, which means supermarkets can only hold 100-250 packets in one aisle.
If just half a dozen or a dozen people buy extra packets, suddenly the demand lifts very quickly and it's hard to keep that stock on the shelf.
As a result, you can quickly end up with empty shelves.
Especially when the liberal media keeps telling us the sky is falling...…

Anyone who is interested in the psychology aspect can read this:
Mostly #5 in the above linck