Meanwhile, Back In Iran.........

It seems that the ISIS crisis has pushed the ill conceived Iranian Nuclear Deal off of the front page.

Trust, but verify. Isn't that the old saying. Well, our naive, stupid President will in time realize that with the Iranians and their Ilk, you really can't do either.

Of course, by the time this realization comes to pass, the Mulla's will already have several 25 kiloton warheads sitting atop North Korean Missles, pointed straight at Israel.
Hard liners in any country gum up the works.
Hard liners in any country gum up the works. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Especially when those Hardliners will put the Moderates against the wall if they stray too far from their dictates.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well goddammit, we need to get the nuclear deal back on the front page of Iranian newspapers.

Call in the Ilk's Club!

LMAO @ bunker bullshit!
Especially when those Hardliners will put the Moderates against the wall if they stray too far from their dictates. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Or when they shut the government down with their pissing and moaning.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm starting to think you've launched your campaign for Dipshit of the Year 2016. You're comparing a shutdown of 30% of our government to firing squads and! Can't really come up with a powerful enough put down for that stupidity.
lustylad's Avatar
LMAO @ bunker bullshit! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If Assup had been in the Bataclan Concert Hall in Paris last Friday, his final post would have read:

"LMAO @ bush-league JV team! Wish I owned a gun!"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2015, 04:20 PM
If Assup had been in the Bataclan Concert Hall in Paris last Friday, his final post would have read:

"LMAO @ bush-league JV team! Wish I owned a gun!"
. Originally Posted by lustylad
So why are you scared of the Syrians refugees? ....we have guns in this country! Isn't that your argument about owning guns? Oh man i love me some of our righties twisted logic.
I'm starting to think you've launched your campaign for Dipshit of the Year 2016. You're comparing a shutdown of 30% of our government to firing squads and! Can't really come up with a powerful enough put down for that stupidity. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Where in you silly little mind did you come up with that comparison? Were you polling for DAOTY ?
Where in you silly little mind did you come up with that comparison? Were you polling for DAOTY ? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

eehhbuhhrrrrr's last words at the Bataclan Concert Hall in Paris last Friday, would have been "I'm an Independent, I don't deserve this"...

eehhbuhhrrrrr's <--- Push 1 for English...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
  • DSK
  • 11-19-2015, 08:03 PM
So why are you scared of the Syrians refugees? ....we have guns in this country! Isn't that your argument about owning guns? Oh man i love me some of our righties twisted logic. Originally Posted by WTF
Nobody is scared of the fucking Syrians, they are concerned they are providing cover for terrorists. Plus, we don't need any more poor people in this fucked up country anyway.
Nobody is scared of the fucking Syrians, they are concerned they are providing cover for terrorists. Plus, we don't need any more poor people in this fucked up country anyway. Originally Posted by DSK
Then go back to your homeland little Jew.......
Then go back to your homeland little Jew....... Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You admit it's the "Jews homeland"... Thanks eehbuhhhrrrrr!!!

You admit it's the "Jews homeland"... Thanks eehbuhhhrrrrr!!!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Will you have to go back to Mexico whiffy?