September To Remember Party

ICU 812's Avatar
I got this e-mail from www dot ifoundthechicas dot com describing the annual fall Bacchinal in the DR. I can't go myself, but thought to post the info here.

Mods: If this is improper topost here I apologize.


Well its finally here - The September to Remember Party going on from the 25th till the 30th. We have over 30 members going and 2 hotels Sold out. You still can go and if interested in going make sure yo contact C.E.O at for more info

*****Members that are already booked and going its very important you contact me for some really important details about the party. If you have already paid then your all set and can verify that i have you down as being paid in the IFTC Party Section - September to Remember and if your not sure send me a PM. Its very important I collect your money in order to pay for the chicas to come and we need to organize the budget for the games and so forth

Here is a small Video you guys should all check out 02.mp4 i

f you can not click it just copy and paste it into your browser.

The I FOUND THE CHICAS - Adult Travel Forum from All Over the World Team.
I did not go to the party, but was at Fields of Dreams the week before and will post reports and a few sample pics of the girls there. I was at the last IFTC party and it was off the hook.