
Goodbye ECCIE, its time to go, tired of the bull shit, the lies and the attacks from people on this board. I've had a great run in the hobby, met some wonderful ladies, a few cunts that would have to pay me. Some great hobbyist that I consider friends and others I consider trash.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Good luck and smooth roads. I'm still regretting not shooting your bud's mustang!
It's been fun.. Glad to have met You
Enjoy... I Got to agree with You... I pretty much feel the same way.. Hoping things change.. Time will tell
Play Safe
cheatercheater's Avatar
Cowboy fans everywhere will miss your annual bashing!
Good luck
TexRich's Avatar
perhaps over due but good luck. my sig tells you how I feel about retirement threads but if you stay away I will give you the exemption! buh bye!
Sorry you are leaving....this is just a warning shot that this thread will be watched pretty closely for negative remarks.
Bye BigBob...completely understand your reasons. I no longer come to this site for daily hobby fun either, but thats what happens...on to greener pastures.
Bye Bob!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Dear Big Bob,

I want my mommy from time to time, and now's one of those times

Boltfan's Avatar
Turn out the lights, the party's over?

Bob, have fun and come back anytime. Yes we did not agree on sports and business but in the end it is all about getting laid.

Who will play Renee's part?
Probably a good decision bigbobftworth. Good luck.
I will miss you Bob. And the love for our vets take care of yourself. I hate to see you go but boy I understand were your coming from.
Member is gone! No need to dogpile.