There are Probably Some Prominent People on This List

Which is why there is so much outrage.
of course.... No one has a problem though with "outing" the ladies name and putting it in press. So why the fuzz??
Bobave's Avatar
Wright didn't drag those guys into her place for sex. She's isn't the one who put the wives and children into this awkward spot, the husbands/fathers were. If there's blame, that's where it falls. Bunch of damned pussies wanting to pewl and whine now because they got caught. Here's a quote from one John -

One of the alleged johns, identified as “John Doe 1,” stated in court paperwork that public shaming would ruin his life. “I am a productive member of society, I have children, and my family and reputation will be irreparably harmed if my name is revealed pursuant to the so-called ‘list.’”

What, that didn't occur to him before he dipped his wick? Own it, dipshit. Or don't follow the hobby. It doesn't matter whether the laws are the way they should be, he knew the rules he was playing under. Weak-kneed POS. Wright sure as hell isn't escaping the scarlet letter, why should he?"
awl4knot's Avatar
of course.... No one has a problem though with "outing" the ladies name and putting it in press. So why the fuzz?? Originally Posted by ninasastri
Wright didn't drag those guys into her place for sex. She's isn't the one who put the wives and children into this awkward spot, the husbands/fathers were. If there's blame, that's where it falls. Bunch of damned pussies wanting to pewl and whine now because they got caught. Here's a quote from one John -

One of the alleged johns, identified as “John Doe 1,” stated in court paperwork that public shaming would ruin his life. “I am a productive member of society, I have children, and my family and reputation will be irreparably harmed if my name is revealed pursuant to the so-called ‘list.’”

What, that didn't occur to him before he dipped his wick? Own it, dipshit. Or don't follow the hobby. It doesn't matter whether the laws are the way they should be, he knew the rules he was playing under. Weak-kneed POS. Wright sure as hell isn't escaping the scarlet letter, why should he?" Originally Posted by Bobave
My, my aren't we a callous group of hard-asses? This isn't a matter of "pewling." It's about prosecutorial misconduct. Here's the distinction, and it's a big one. The lady is formally charged and that is a matter of public record. She is presumed innocent and she'll have the right to defend herself in court.

The people who are on the list have not been charged with a crime, so their identities should remain private until either they are charged or they are named as witnesses in a formal pleading of some sort. Even more than the alleged escort, they are presumed to be innocent. There is no justification for the prosecution to "out" them based on some computer list.

And this is what makes it worse. The prosecution can't prove that anyone of the persons on the list engaged in prostitution unless the escort agrees to testify against them, and the prosecutor knows this. Additionally, he/she can't force the "johns" to testify since they have the right to not incriminate themselves by admitting consorting with a prostitute. So the case against her is going no place beyond the police's initial investigation. So naming them is purely a vindictive act that serves no valid prosecutorial purpose. That's why the Maine Supreme Court may grant the petition.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Anyone taking bets she vanishes before a year's time???
burkalini's Avatar
Wright didn't drag those guys into her place for sex. She's isn't the one who put the wives and children into this awkward spot, the husbands/fathers were. If there's blame, that's where it falls. Bunch of damned pussies wanting to pewl and whine now because they got caught. Here's a quote from one John -

One of the alleged johns, identified as “John Doe 1,” stated in court paperwork that public shaming would ruin his life. “I am a productive member of society, I have children, and my family and reputation will be irreparably harmed if my name is revealed pursuant to the so-called ‘list.’”

What, that didn't occur to him before he dipped his wick? Own it, dipshit. Or don't follow the hobby. It doesn't matter whether the laws are the way they should be, he knew the rules he was playing under. Weak-kneed POS. Wright sure as hell isn't escaping the scarlet letter, why should he?" Originally Posted by Bobave

Just to fan the fire a bit I am sure all of this is something you make absolute sure of when you see a provider. I am sure you would never be a pussy like this. Just verified single women only with no SO's. Glass house and all that shit. IJS.
gimme_that's Avatar
This should be merged with the too much info to screen thread. The hazards of using your real name.
How many threads have we all seen here with ladies saying "Oh I never keep client names and/or records of visits"? What a load of crap.

How else would LE acquire the names of all these guys if she didn't keep records?

Clearly she turned over all that info in an effort to save her own ass and get the charges reduced.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
aren't names of the johns already publicly released in other places? not sure about the escorts, but I think they do for the streetwalker busts.

and there's the do-gooder vigilantes who out johns with a cam on a website and report his activities to the police.
Jannisary's Avatar
From articles I've read it sounds like the police think they have enough evidence to charge the "johns" with patronizing a prostitute. She kept detailed records about the guys and what they did and video recorded at least some of the sessions. The names are going to be "released" when the charges are filed. It doesn't sound like the police are just planning on making the list public, it is when the guys are charged with a crime their name becomes public.
pyramider's Avatar
Most of the guys are probably more worried about the tapes than being arrested. Who would want the world know you are a two pump chump?
bladtinzu's Avatar
Most of the guys are probably more worried about the tapes than being arrested. Who would want the world know you are a two pump chump? Originally Posted by pyramider

Or take a strap on pounding from behind from some hooktard that keeps records..
I hope she doesn't go the way of the Washington Madam, it way it sucks for everyone involved. It's crazy how the government like to infiltrate the sex lives of our citizens, if there weren't any kids or people working against their will involved then this shouldn't be as big deal as the media makes it out to be.
Bobave's Avatar
Just to fan the fire a bit I am sure all of this is something you make absolute sure of when you see a provider. I am sure you would never be a pussy like this. Just verified single women only with no SO's. Glass house and all that shit. IJS. Originally Posted by burkalini
No glass house here, asshole. If I get caught, I get caught. Yep, that includes my family knowing. We all know the risks. If we aren't willing to own it we shouldn't be playing.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Just to fan the fire a bit I am sure all of this is something you make absolute sure of when you see a provider. I am sure you would never be a pussy like this. Just verified single women only with no SO's. Glass house and all that shit. IJS. Originally Posted by burkalini

And to quote Dr. Dre from 1992... "Bitches ain't nothing but hoes and tricks"..