N.Korea still devolving ICBM’S

jobj254's Avatar
From what i heard on the radio a few minutes ago... biggie smalls across the sea is still after peace talks...what are you guys thoughts about it ?
bamscram's Avatar
Trump said he isn't a threat anymore, don't worry yourself about it.
There is so much back and forth about this, I don't even pay attention
Well, we all knew any 'deal made' wouldn't be worth a wet roll of toilet paper..
LexusLover's Avatar
Hillary really won.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Well at least we didn't give them 150 billion help build them
I see Buttscramble made another lame post
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hillary really won. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Great contribution, LLiarMan.

Always count on you to keep the conversation moving forward!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Did anyone really think that mr pajamas was just going to roll over just like that? They’re trying to negotiate to get what they want with what they have, just like we do with what we have. The Korean War is 68 years old and all sides have been going back and forth the whole time..It will take sometime to develope trust. Expect more ups and downs..
bambino's Avatar
Great contribution, LLiarMan.

Always count on you to keep the conversation moving forward!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It’s more that what you spew out.
Wtf....trump made n Korea great again....Putin must be so proud of his boy
This is from our own intelligence community?

I trust them about as much as I do the Main Stream Media.

Sorry. They have brought it on themselves. Most are career beauracrats looking out to protect their own interest, paychecks, and of course, government pensions.

It seems every time a discussion comes up about the out right illegal activity that the various Intelligence Agencys engaged in in order to elect Hillary, the MSM starts out with words like "beyond reproach" and "trusted".

Really? Their actions speak quite loud to the contrary.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This is from our own intelligence community?

I trust them about as much as I do the Main Stream Media.

Sorry. They have brought it on themselves. Most are career beauracrats looking out to protect their own interest, paychecks, and of course, government pensions. Originally Posted by Jackie S

that's like trusting a clogged up smelly toilet, hoping against hope that it won't over flow!
I know...them dumbasses told bush/Cheney that Iran didn't have wmd's and that we couldn't win a war in the Middle East. Them stupid fuckers. And now...they have twit head by his little balls lol
firelips's Avatar
This is from our own intelligence community?

I trust them about as much as I do the Main Stream Media.

Sorry. They have brought it on themselves. Most are career beauracrats looking out to protect their own interest, paychecks, and of course, government pensions.
. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Nice spin attempt.... TRY again